2017-18 Medical School Applicants and Their Parents

@Belle315 congrats to your daughter; my son also got II yesterday to 2 (sort of) affiliated programs (Case & Lerner)…maybe our adult kids will be crossing paths :-/

Congratulations, @Belle315 and @vandyeyes for the II’s!

It took a while for DS to get verified. Now he is working on finishing a few more schools’ secondaries. I have heard that the secondary needs to be completed in two weeks. Is that true? If so, is that a general rule or deadline? How long does it take for most of students to submit theirs?

@4beardolls, General rule of thumb is 2 week turnaround; a few schools specifically state that it’s “due” by such n such date, but my understanding is that even this is not a hard stop, but rather an advisement.
For my son, timeframe was varied; Duke took every bit of 2 weeks, others were turned around on same day as received, especially the last few since similar essays we’re already in hand.

Thanks @vandyeyes and right back at you! Your S is rocking the application process, racking up interviews left and right! It is funny to think that some of our kids may end up at the same school, either for interviews or as students.

Thanks @4beardolls. I’m the last person who should be answering, but I’ll just say that D really took that advice to heart. In fact she started prewriting secondaries as soon as she finished classes, so she was kind of sitting on ready when the secondaries came in. She turned most of them around in a day. The longest one took about a week. But quality will always trump speed, imho.

I know school just started back for your S and my D (go Commodores class of 2018), so he will getting busy. The sooner he cranks those secondaries out, the better it will be for him.

Wow @vandyeyes your son is racking them up! My D got an II from Case as well, in spite of the delay in becoming AMCAS verified. She is so excited that the screw up doesn’t appear to have totally sabotaged her chances!!!

Son had his first interview today…30 applicants today, mostly in-state at a stateU. It was MMI format…interesting process to say the least…flying home now fairly exhausted, but happy enough :smiley:

Quick suggestion to make airline travel easier for applicants—

apply for a TSA pre-check/Known Traveler Number.

It’s free and will help speed up check-in /TSA security on domestic flights.

Definitely can help, but still a challenge at times. Monday, son’s flight on the way to interview passed through Atlanta for a layover…several hundred flights were canceled that day related to Irma…amazingly his flights happened on both ends with only a couple hours of delay. :-t

Congrats to all whose kiddos are on the interview trail. DS is a student interviewer and will surely interview some of your kids. :slight_smile:

@WayOutWestMom , is TSA free now, or is it only free based on the credit card you have with those perks? We got ours through the later and kiddos as additional received the same benefits.


TSA PreCheck is free.

@WayOutWestMom . TSA/Pre Check is not free on its own. You have to be enrolled in Global Travel/Nexus or have certain credit/charge cards that reimburse the fees or be an elite member of certain programs for the TSA/Pre check to be free.

Sometimes, non registered travelers luck out and receive it. However TSA say they are reducing that access.

I have 2 applying this cycle. Bring on the wine.

Holy crazy town, @liNYandnePA. There’s not enough wine in the world…

Oops… Not sure what happened to my post. Its my son and dil. So far only one common city for interviews. The goal is the same city.

@liNYandnePA wow… so stressful!!! My oldest is in year 2… loving it soooooo much. We are hoping that middle sister is accepted to same school. FINGERS CROSSED. I have to say this interview cycle I’m much more relaxed. Still checking forums and boards, however not nearly as neurotic as last time! LOL

How are things going for D2, @moonpie? I guess you’re a pro at this by now, right?

@liNYandnePA, thank goodness they have that one city! What are the plans if they don’t get into the same school?

Hoping for the same city, but if that doesnt work out I guess they will do the best they can and be grateful with they are given. And then hope to match close or together. I also have one applying to PT school. With gap years everything just happened at once.

@moonpie Thats good to hear! Fingers crossed for you.

@Belle315 and @liNYandnePA thanks! D2 has an interview coming up at her sister’s school, waiting on II’s from her other secondaries. I was starting to get nervous, but then looked back through old threads and saw D1’s incites all cam end of September and early October. She had her first acceptance by the end of October, so then everything else became so much easier!

That’s great @moonpie! Hopefully, both of your daughters will be together this time next year.

D’s first interview is this Friday. She says it finally feels real.

Question for the experts: For schools with rolling admissions, my understanding is that many will give out acceptances beginning October 15. If D has an interview just days before that date, will the school have time to make a decision, or should she just assume she won’t be part of the first batch?