speaking of writing, how should i write my essays over the new topics. Could i do a personal narrative (still showing family interaction as the prompt states) or would it have to be an informational type of essay. Most good and successful essays i have read so far are like stories so I’m not too sure… Thanks in advance.
Essay A:
What was the environment in which you were raised? Describe your family, home, neighborhood, or community, and explain how it has shaped you as a person.
Essay B:
Most students have an identity, an interest, or a talent that defines them in an essential way. Tell us about yourself.
Essay C:
You’ve got a ticket in your hand – Where will you go? What will you do? What will happen when you get there?
Can we also review each other’s essays?
Also what semester are y’all applying for?
well fam as you know the internet isnt the safest place so until i see you i probably wont be giving you my essay…
and dont think about posting it up because people will try to steal it and it will show up as plagarism, even if it is your own
I wasn’t directly asking for your essay, but I understand what you’re saying.
Thanks for the tip brother!
I applied for freshman admission to the fall 2017 semester. I chose to write topics A and B. Topic A i did a narrative, kind of a chronological account of my life (where I’ve lived and the communities I grew up in), kind of as an informal essay. Topic B I wrote as more formal. I had my english teacher proofread them as she has done a lot of AP grading and college counseling and has helped a lot of students with their application processes. She really liked both styles of essays but seemed to like the “informal” personal narrative better. The narrative was also a lot more fun and easier to write. Not sure if you still needed this question answered or not, just thought I’d pitch in. Good luck 
jilian0203-thanks. Also did you add a title? I am slightly confused because the essay “uploader” works through copy and paste… it just doesn’t look like a ‘formal submission’ method so i dont know if i should add a title… hope you know what my question means…
I asked my teacher the same thing; she said a title is not needed since we select what essay it is when we are submitting. The copy and paste document box really threw me off too, especially since there was a 650 word limit; I actually wound up having to delete words here and there to be able to fit my whole essay in. The formatting of that really bothered me because it wasn’t pretty at all, but it said this method was preferred so I had to tell my OCD to calm down lol
Jillian0203- Thanks. Yeah I had to delete a few words out of mine as well…