With the 2018-2019 applications phase winding down, it probably seems right to start the thread for next year’s phase of applications. Apologies if this seems too early.
Hi there. I will be here to bug you guys with long walls of text while I procrastinate at UW Good luck to the future applicants!
Ok @zettasyntax, if you are staying, I will too.
When I first saw this thread I was going to post…not again already!
Glad that someone is as eager as I am!
@zettasyntax Dang glad you’re coming back for this thread lol. I’m applying this year.
Hello @zettasyntax and @CADREAMIN ! So glad to see you both on the thread once again. I’m thinking that since I have been titled the “USC encyclopedia” by friends, co-workers and family that I’ll stick around and encourage some hopeful Trojans for the 2019-2020 school year!
Damn all the OG’s are here. Rejected for 2018 as a sophomore but will try one last time as a junior. Good luck to everyone. And since we already started I was able to get 2 internships at USC as a research assistant. One for this summer and one for the Fall. Do yall think these would help a lot, like look impressive in my application. BTW not doing this just because USC, more like I want to go to grad school and my CC doesn’t offer research internships as well as having a passion for research. I also don’t live too far so why not. Thanks guys
^^^I think those internships will look great. Add a recommendation from a professor if you get to know one or are working with someone close at USC.
Thanks @Tuttwirl - the more the merrier and more helpful to everyone too!!!
@ernesto98 I agree that the internships will look fantastic for grad school! I was a bit late in doing research - I waited until the spring semester of my senior year. I did somewhat develop a relationship with one of the professors in my major, but I only wish that I had done so earlier. I would have applied to more grad programs if I knew more professors. Some of the applications required 3+ letters and I struggled to get two I did end up in a program that I liked, but it’s great that you’re thinking about grad school so early
Best of luck this time around. It did take me two tries to get into USC.
Hey everyone! I was actually admitted as a Spring transfer for 2019 (SCA Cinema and Media Studies), so I thought I’d stick around to help out prospective transfers! Please do feel free to tag me in posts and DM me with any questions you might have
Is attending AUP without the trojan transfer plan a bad idea for someone looking to transfer to USC?
It may not be a bad idea, but it may not be a good one either. Meaning, if you are doing it for the transfer, it may not make a difference. If you are doing it because you really want to go there, that is a different perspective. Did you find a published articulation agreement with AUP? I know TTP kids may get a little guidance (emphasis on little) but biggest concern would be taking classes that transfer in.
I would try to reach a USC counselor for the positive and negatives on that one. Key in a non-TTP transfer is GPA and the right courses coming in.
@Halofax I know some people that attended AUP and loved it. I don’t think it could hurt you in your application to USC and it will definitely allow you to make some friends before you transfer, however, do note that many of the classes you will take there will not transfer to many schools outside of usc! the classes at AUP are pretty specific, and while usc is pretty accommodating to what classes will transfer as gen eds, other school are not. so many kids do not want to stick it out at aup for more than a year since your friends will leave every semester/year.
Hello Everyone,
I am planning to transfer to USC by the fall of 2019! I am attending a CC and have one more year left. I currently have a 2.57 but this will be brought up to a 3.45 by the end of the fall semester. I know my GPA is not up to par but I am involved with a leadership club dealing with African Americans boys at my school graduating in a timely manner as well as a club that deals with helping and hanging out with kids that have disabilities. My father owns a clothing brand in which I help him design clothes and such. I also work at a farmers market on the weekends. I was planning to apply to Marshall (Business admin) but I know it is extremely competitive. I was thinking to switch my major to AA studies to help my chances of getting accepted. I am so happy I found this thread and wish the best for all of you on the same journey. Attending USC has been a dream of mine ever since I was a little kid, so I plan on making it happen. Any tips or advice would help me immensely. Fight On!
I also am taking the classes I need to be for business admin And plan on getting A’s in all of the major prep classes. some of my GE classes hurt my GPA but I will have a great upward trend in my grades!
I’m leaning against going to AUP as a none TTP applicant since the school I’m supposed to be attending offered a full ride and all my fall classes seem to transfer as GE’s according to the articulation agreement.
One thing I’m worried about is that I’ll run out of classes that can transfer because of the requirement to take 2 GE’s at USC. I was thinking of trying to get into an accounting class first semester which is rare for my school apparently. I’m not even sure that there are 2 lower division Accounting classes that I could take that would transfer to Marshall as Accounting 1 & 2. Not sure what to do.
Also, I emailed my local USC admissions rep back in May but I never got a reply back. Would emailing them again be rude? Or do they tend to not answer emails until admissions season is in full swing?
Is there any released information on when the writing supplements for transfer apps are out?
@Prlewis9 I think that your GPA has a strong upward trend — I had a 2.85 at my first college and then I maintained a 4.00 for two semesters at a California community college. I applied with a 3.42 GPA (self-reported) and got accepted for Spring 2019 after my SGR.
I think your leadership club is an excellent talking point for your Common App essay; you can use it to demonstrate your excellent sense of direction in helping others and how your perspective has been shaped to some extent by the work you do with those African-American boys
If you want to apply for Marshall, put Business Administration as your first-choice major. You will not even be considered if you list it as a second choice. I recommend Business Administration as your #1 in Marshall and AA studies as #2 in Dornsife. I had Cinema and Media Studies (SCA) and English (Dornsife) as my #1 and 2, respectively, and I was admitted as a CMS major.
Please mention me in your replies or DM me if you have other questions!
@zettasyntax Does it matter if I complete the 8 GE at my cc instead of only doing the 6 recommended GE? Would I get rejected or something?
@woshua There’s no difference in completing 8 GE vs 6 GE at CC since it is required for all transfers to take 2 GE. Taking additional GE at cc and getting A’s can help since it can inflate you GPA.