2019 Texas Tech Honors - accepted stats

Not a lot of traffic in this forum, but in case someone is thinking about honors, my daughter was just admitted to TTU Honors and here are her basic stats:

GPA: 3.5 UW
ACT: 31 (her SAT was much lower, the ACT was a better test for her)
Solid course rigor: 12 APs (over all four years)
ECs: varsity soccer (team is ranked nationally, but she is not playing in college), national honors society, internship for global wildlife non-profit (all four years)

Her essays were very unique and well-written. Her LoRs would have been good and supported her essays well.

She attended a TTU Scholars Event and was able to converse with Dean of Honors College, he was very cool and I think they had a good talk.

Very proud of her work and we are looking forward to her next steps at TTU.


Daughter admitted to Engineering and Honors
In State
SAT 1420 ACT 30
GPA 3.86 UW 4.40 W (moved from competitive school fr/so year with 5.0 scale gpa where only 2-3 A’s given per class in CO to extremely competitive jr/sr with 6.0 scale in TX where mostly A’s given but 100% is different than 90%) She was ~10% in CO but 27% in TX
ECs Lots of sports at upper JV, lower V level. Lots of volunteering but not really with intention to influence admissions.
Will have 6 AP but only one 3 in Spanish so far
She’s a good writer so probably did well on essays.

We talked to the same Dean and also though he was great. Wife and I both went to Tech and wife’s dad was Assoc Dean of COE for years so we know lots of folks there and think it would be a great place for her but…she likes the prestige of top-level state engineering schools and pretty scenery.

Tech Honors is $19k after scholarships. Also admitted to UT Austin ($26k/yr total) and Colorado School of Mines is ($46k/yr) which is her first choice but will only go if aid can lower cost to below UT. She’s still holding on to Tech for the study-abroad opportunities and the Honors dorm we already paid the $750 application fee for. She is waiting to see if she gets on-campus housing at UT which is very limited.

She got into engineering at UT?

I did the Honors College at UH so I can vouch for the personal attention, early registration and lifelong friends from an HC.

Good luck with the decision.

Yep, Petroleum Engineering. We just pulled the trigger on a housing contract at UT so she’ll probably be going there.

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