Hello, music major hopefuls!

This thread is designed to catalog our confirmed audition dates after receipt of prescreening results. This will allow us to celebrate each other’s successes, give future hopefuls an idea of when prescreen results roll in for a variety of schools, and even arrange meet-ups for common audition dates if so desired. Please keep sidebar conversations to a minimum.

In previous years, @“Mezzo’sMama” rather generously kept track, so many thanks there. I’m going to paste her succinct and clear instructions below:

Please send me a PM with pre-screen acceptances or acceptance of an audition date if no pre-screen is required. Let me know when you have received a firm offer of the date. By sending them via PM, it helps to keep the thread neat and allows you to flag it so that you’re notified when something actually new is posted.

I will be updating the thread regularly and listing the new entries in color.

Remember to tell me what the instrument or voice type is and if you’re reporting for your son or daughter and the degree sought (BM, BA, etc)

Best of Luck to Everyone!

YAY! We have a brave first entry. Thank you, @MusicMomSC! We’re rooting for your son.

MusicMomSC (son) Contemporary Strings/ Production/Technology
12/7/19, University of Miami
*side note heard (from another applicant) that ~270 EA students auditioning for Jazz, Classical & Contemporary
1/18/20, Clemson
2/8/20, Univ Al @ Huntsville
(already accepted to school, but not music program)

It has been pointed out that those with fewer than 15 posts cannot send a PM. If that’s you, you can post here directly or get to posting to reach 15. :smiley:

Good job @tableforsix! Many of the veterans from previous years will be following along. May the auditions be ever in your favor!

Thanks, @akapiratequeen ! I like the way you think.

Auditioning families, please remember to include instrument or voice type and the degree sought at each school (BM, BA, MM, etc).

MusicMomSC (son) for Contemporary Strings/ Production/Technology
12/7/19 University of Miami
1/18/20 Clemson
2/8/20 Univ Al @ Huntsville

Raincat (son) for Jazz Piano
12/7 Berklee

tableforsix (son) BM in Cello Performance
2/15 Oberlin (no prescreen required)

Auditioning families, please remember to include instrument or voice type and the degree sought at each school (BM, BA, MM, etc).

Murray93 (daughter) Clarinet Performance
11/10 University of Puget Sound (done!!)
1/24 Butler University

MusicMomSC (son) for Contemporary Strings/ Production/Technology
12/7/19 University of Miami
1/18/20 Clemson
2/8/20 Univ Al @ Huntsville

Raincat (son) BM for Jazz Piano
12/7 Berklee

tableforsix (son) BM in Cello Performance
2/15 Oberlin

Murray93 (daughter) Clarinet Performance
11/10 University of Puget Sound
1/24 Butler University

MusicMomSC (son) for Contemporary Strings/ Production/Technology
12/7/19 University of Miami
1/18/20 Clemson
2/8/20 Univ Al @ Huntsville

Raincat (son) BM Jazz Piano
12/7 Berklee

SweetStrings (daughter) BM Violin Performance
1/16 University of Florida
2/22 Florida State University

tableforsix (son) BM in Cello Performance
2/15 Oberlin

Murray93 (daughter) Clarinet Performance
11/10 University of Puget Sound
1/24 Butler University

Musicmom2two (daughter) BM Music Ed Soprano
11/21 Berklee - BM Music Ed and Songwriting
12/7 Frost - BM Music Ed with Songwriting minor
1/11 Belmont - BM Music Ed (or commercial music)
1/24 UMich
2/8 FSUBM Music Ed and commercial music
2/22 Rutgers/Mason Gross

MusicMomSC (son) for Contemporary Strings/ Production/Technology
12/7/19 University of Miami
1/18/20 Clemson
2/8/20 Univ Al @ Huntsville

Raincat (son) BM Jazz Piano
12/7 Berklee

SweetStrings (daughter) BM Violin Performance
1/16 University of Florida
2/22 Florida State University

tableforsix (son) BM Cello Performance
2/15 Oberlin

Best of luck to @arkham’s son on his audition in a couple days!

@Musicmom2two said (in another thread) that her daughter’s 11/21 Berklee audition went well. Congrats!

arkham (son) BM Jazz Voice
11/25 Berklee - BM Performance: Voice

Murray93 (daughter) Clarinet Performance
11/10 University of Puget Sound
1/24 Butler University

Musicmom2two (daughter) BM Music Ed Soprano
11/21 Berklee - BM Music Ed and Songwriting
12/7 Frost - BM Music Ed with Songwriting minor
1/11 Belmont - BM Music Ed (or commercial music)
1/24 UMich
2/8 FSU - BM Music Ed and commercial music
2/22 Rutgers/Mason Gross

MusicMomSC (son) for Contemporary Strings/ Production/Technology
12/7/19 University of Miami
1/18/20 Clemson
2/8/20 Univ Al @ Huntsville

Raincat (son) BM Jazz Piano
12/7 Berklee

SweetStrings (daughter) BM Violin Performance
1/16 University of Florida
2/22 Florida State University

tableforsix (son) BM Cello Performance
2/15 Oberlin

arkham (son) BM Jazz Voice
11/25 Berklee - BM Performance: Voice

khill87 (daughter) BM vocal performance soprano
12/7/19 University of Miami

Murray93 (daughter) Clarinet Performance
11/10 University of Puget Sound
1/24 Butler University

Musicmom2two (daughter) BM Music Ed Soprano
11/21 Berklee - BM Music Ed and Songwriting
12/7 Frost - BM Music Ed with Songwriting minor
1/11 Belmont - BM Music Ed (or commercial music)
1/24 UMich
2/8 FSU - BM Music Ed and commercial music
2/22 Rutgers/Mason Gross

MusicMomSC (son) for Contemporary Strings/ Production/Technology
12/7/19 University of Miami
1/18/20 Clemson
2/8/20 Univ Al @ Huntsville

Raincat (son) BM Jazz Piano
12/7 Berklee

SweetStrings (daughter) BM Violin Performance
1/16 University of Florida
2/22 Florida State University

tableforsix (son) BM Cello Performance
2/15 Oberlin

Anyone know when CMU, NYU, Northwestern, Rice, UMich, and USC come out?

http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/music-major/2108045-2019-pre-screen-thread-p5.html has last year’s list – see post 90.

Oh oops, I was referring to the prescreening.

Hi @MedKey0803 ! The thread that akapiratequeen linked is from last year’s prescreen, and you can look at the individual post dates to see when people started reporting prescreen results for each school.

Looking at one post from mid-Dec (17th) shows some students with prescreen results already from NYU, USC Thornton, Northwestern, and U Mich. May vary by major, of course, but it looks like it won’t be too long!

Alright thanks.

I also have another question (sry). So for USC, they say that you need to get into both the academic and the specific school you are applying to. What happens if you get into the general academic admission but not the specific school (if that made sense)? Do you just get put as undeclared or are you rejected altogether?

@MedKey0803 : The question you’re asking is specific to Thornton I believe. Let’s say you’re applying for a perf major - You need to be accepted by Thornton. However that in itself doesn’t suffice - you need to be accepted by USC. If only the latter happens, you can attend USC and pick pretty much any major you want, typically in Dornsife. The engg. School (Viterbi) has its own acceptance criteria that you need to qualify for. Obviously Thornton hasn’t accepted you, so the best you can do is go for a minor in music performance.

Prescreen Audition
12/7 University of Miami
M.A.D.E. Program

@mom2jw is that a prescreen or live audition? Or do you not do recorded prescreens for MADE (I confess I’m not familiar with that one).

Anyway good luck!

I am new, so please forgive any mistakes in this posting.
My kid applied to 8 schools so far. Curtis still remaining, since the deadline is December 13th.

Chapman confirmed on 12.2 and she will have and In-Person audition on 2.29.20

Oh, she is a mezzo-soprano.

Happy to have found this board. I am really stressed out with all the applications and waiting etc etc etc. You know the drill.

I forgot to add the degree, it is Classical Performance, BM.