2021-2022 USC Transfer

I applied to human bio as well but im a non-ttp/non legacy so i havent heard a thing yet

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hopefully we get a new batch of acceptances tomorrow! (is USC weekly decision day even Tuesday? I forgot lol)

is anyone here applying for engineering?

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I assume you’re applying for Marshall business administration.

I currently have a 3.87 :grimacing: gpa right now so I am a bit worried, however I have completed 51 units and will complete 68 by the end of this semester.

I think you should be ok as long as your essays are pretty good. Ive been looking back at older USC threads and it seems admitted GPA’s range from 3.7-4.00.

Also I had one question: What classes have you taken and are taking to fulfill the requirements for transfer to USC.


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ayeee let me know how it goes!! I’m trying to make new friends before coming to campus this fall! :slight_smile:

I personally think you’re in a good place! you have a high GPA and a good number of credits completed.

i think you are fine… are you going for a major that is highly competitive??? You would still be above the avg GPA.

@KendraVixLi I joined this thread yesterday and I read some of it and you’re all over it helping everyone out, I really hope you get in!! I can tell how much this means to you


Hey actually i think im good my professor chilled out so I will prolly end with an A- in that class, so 3.94. Also, for my pre-req’s for Marshall I took business calc my first sem and macroeconomics my first sem along with English in first sem. Got an A-, A-, and A in those classes. This semester to fulfill those pre-req’s I took microecon and English, will finished with both A’s in those classes. Other than that I think I might have 2-4 GE’s completed by the end of the year with A’s in all of them. Hope this helps, what classes did u take? Also, had a 3.81 my first sem and will prolly end with a 3.94 this semester. Counselors said my essays were really good so hopefully im marshall bound!! :joy:

Ya im going for marshall but its 99% staying an A- so nvm my professor cleared things up today. Thanks though!

so I’m applying as an industrial engineering student, I go to a cc outside of California, I currently have a 3.871 gpa. this is my second year at cc and I’ve had a 4.0 up until last semester where I had 2 B’s which pretty much tanked my gpa lol. do you guys think I have a chance? I know that coming from a cc outside of California can often rule out your chances a lot

Omg that means the world to me… I am one of the older transfer students (if not the oldest lol) here on the forum, I was naturally someone who most gravitated towards for help and I was happy to do so in my time in the service and I am also a mother… so i guess its just natural for me to be optimistic and positive towards others. I appreciate your kind words… it really does mean alot to me and i know it means alot to everyone here.


aww that’s great! I really do hope you get in! I’m manifesting it for the both of us

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I couldn’t agree more. @KendraVixLi you’re amazing. Best of luck


Thank you for your response!

The classes I took were:

My first semester I took a bunch of GE classes so hear ya go:
College Algebra: A
ENG-120 Reading and composition: A
COUN-100: A
BUSI-100 Intro to Business: A

Second semester:
Math-108 Trigonometry: A
ENGL-125 Critical Think & Composition: A
BUSI-103 Legal Environ Business: A
Acct-125 Financial accounting: W(dropped due to overwhelming schedule)
Econ-100 MicroEconomics:A

Summer Semester:
Math-232 Statistics: B
Econ-101 Macroeconomics:A

Third Semester:
Math-120 Calculus 1: A
GEOG-110 Physical Geography:A
ENGL-121 Advanced Comp & Lit Analysis: A
ACCT-125 Financial Accounting: A

Classes im taking now:
Math-121 Calc 2
Managerial accounting
Biology-110 with Lab
Film-100 Intro to film

I would give my essays a score of 4-5/10 (I wrote them a day before I submitted my application :skull:)

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Damn nice thanks for the long list bro! Hopefully Marshall comes thru for both of us!!


thank you! good luck!

@Jokes123 @_Virgil you guys got this… keep thinking positive thoughts and manifest those acceptances… we are in the finals weeks!!! Keep doing what you got to do for your spring classes and keep yourself busy. Before you know it, we will receive the email we all are waiting for.


Awh thanks guys :slight_smile: i cant wait to see everyone at orientation!


anyone know when admitted students hear back from financial aid?

putting the law of attraction into practice :innocent:

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