2021-2022 USC Transfer

How do you prove you got vaccinated? :thinking: Iā€™m fully vaccinated but it was more like a receipt and a cardā€¦ unless we have to keep that as proof?

Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s a record somewhere in the state you got vaccinated it, check your email (Iā€™m guessing you gave them your email when you got vaccinated), but it is advised that you keep the white card


Hi. the person who vaccinated me said to take a picture of your card with you phone just in case you ever lose your card.

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did you hear back today?

I called USC today and someone told me regular transfers will probably not hear back until the end of May:( has anyone else received any other news?

Hi just wondering, did you get an email for your SGR or did you have to check the portal?

Please hang on to your vaccine card folks! And as mentioned photo/scan it to a place you can find it. Also you can send/give the info to your primary care physician so they make it part of your medical record, and someone always has it if you donā€™t. I know when we got ours, they asked for physician info, so they would forward it on for us. But if you werenā€™t asked for that, let the doc know if you have one.

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The admissions office has been giving off the generic response of ā€œ31 Mayā€; however, we have regular transfer members on the forum who are receiving SGR and a small number (I think itā€™s 2 or 3) that actually received acceptance. If you look at past trends, you will notice decisions coming in waves with the majority coming out at the end of April beginning May for ttp and mid-may to 20-23 May for regular. If you receive an SGR it could be even later (June- early July)but that does not mean it will be that long.

No I heard back on Friday 23 around 8:30pm

I think a few people on this thread who were regular transfers have heard back. By regular I am assuming that means non-legacy/non-ttp

Also, Staples and Office Max are both doing free laminations for completed vaccine cards right now!

good to know

yes, I also havent recieved a sgr

i want an SGR sooo bad bro Iā€™m doing so well lol

This is such a weird year. Usually a big wave of decisions for TTP and SGRs for non ttp comes by april 20th. But not alot of people have heard this time

Just made a tarot reading, it reads today is the day! Finger crossed xx

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Same hereā€¦ HS transcript was not processed. Sent confirmation that it was sent and they need me to resend. They would allow me to upload a copy of my HS diploma for now while waiting on the transcripts to be resent but I have no clue where that isā€¦ trying to figure it all out ASAP.

omg hopefulllllyyy!!!

love all the acceptances but has anyone got rejections? getting kinda nervous

No, rejections tend to come out all at once later on.