2021-2022 USC Transfer

That’s obviously not accurate considering that we have a group of people who heard of their acceptance last Friday. You have to understand they are in the middle of reviewing applications and dealing with questions from incoming freshman. They have to give you default answer of 31 May just so they can get off the phone and back to the thousands of applications they have to get through so we can get our decisions.


I think they just say that bc they can’t promise you an exact date of when YOUR decision would be available. so they just give out the latest date.

yeah that makes a lot more sense

@helen2323 we understand your anxious. Otherwise we wouldn’t be in here talking to one another… you got to let the process run it’s course. We will get our decisions soon… usually if a wave hits as I mentioned earlier it will probably be on a Thursday or Friday afternoon (though last Friday it was around 8pm PST) and it’s not every week…

If I don’t hear back by May 21st, any ideas on how to update mailing address?

My best suggestion is create a new email address (if needed) and contact your counselor now with the new email address. I personally wouldn’t wait until the week before. Just let him/her know the situation and you would like to update your contact info with the new email address

Oh, sorry. Not email address, I meant new house address for mail lol

I was about to correct myself you mentioned mailing address lol do you have the new mailing address now?

Yes, however someone is living at the new address at the moment. I don’t think I move in to the house till late June or July

Oof I had to move 3-4 times since I provided them the mailing address rip

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At this point I dont even know which mailing address they have lmao

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Hm there is quite a gap from May 21 to June July timeframe… you could order a forwarding address from USPS for a dollar… and closer to time if it doesn’t seem that you are going to get an answer you can contact your counselor to update information. This will cover both bases in case they send your acceptance or any other information to your current address

The other problem is the person that is currently living at the house… what if they get my mail during the gap timeframe lol. Would it be possible to ask the University to re-send the admissions packet if I’m admitted? :thinking:

Unfortunately I have no idea on that. If there was a way to ask the person living there now would be great but not sure if it’s possible to find that out… I would ask my counselor if there anything they can do

I wish I had the solution for you because I would want my packet as well.

Other solutions:
A) Pray its sometime before May 21st
B) Rip admissions packet LOL

This is also true… we are definitely rooting for A and who wants B??? Lol no one wants that in their life!


hey guys, i juat have some general questions…
I have a C- for calculus, but I get to retake it and got an A-. My total GPA, for now, is 3.88, as the first C- won’t count if it is being retaken. Would this hurt my chances of getting in? I am so stressed…
I also have a question for units. Does USC reject students that have too many units? I currently have 133 including the spring quarter plus 20 AP credits, so that would be like 113 (not counting AP) quarter units.

It shouldn’t hurt your chances if they can see that you’ve improved. USC has a minimum requirement for units but if you have a lot, it depends on a case-by-case basis for each applicant

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Hi guys have a question, while I was looking at last year’s transfer stats forum, there were ppl who got accepted as spring semester but received decision on May. I guess they applied to fall but USC deferred them to commit on spring?
Please correct me if I am misunderstanding.