2021-2022 USC Transfer

You should ask the advisor at the June meeting, the safer thing is to come into the major you originally applied to, so it is best to check with them. They can tell you if harder to get into the Price major than the Dornsife one you applied to.

Oh man, good to know though thank you. My GPA is alright but I have a good amount of ECs that are pretty valuable and I think my essays were pretty good. Weā€™ll see what happens I guess

Thanks for the reply. Is that safer because of the dedication youā€™ve already shown for that major in your freshman application?

Applied to BA Music Industry degree. 3.9 grade point average from a California community college. Not TTP or legacy. Today received an email from the counselor who said there is no record of a transcript for summer and fall 2020 grades so could you please send the grades for those terms.

Then 3 minutes later another email comes that says ā€œWhoops!ā€ I can see the grades from those terms have been uploaded, please ignore the earlier message, and sorry for the confusion.

Clearly they are currently reviewing applications. Perhaps they are overwhelmed?! Hoping to hear something soon. Does this mean admission possibly without SGR?

Also, perhaps someone has asked this before but what kind of financial aid (not loans) is available to transfer students whose single parent makes very very little. USC says they are need blind but that doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t saddle you with the option to take out thousands of dollars in loans.

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Safer because they are basically saying you should come back to USC and to that major, not come back to USC to do something else. But of course this is not strict, and changing majors at USC is generally easy anyway. They certainly want you getting the degree you want. Dornsife to Price is probably pretty safe, obviously if one was going from Dornsife to Viterbi itā€™s a different story. The key is that you take the right classes for your intended major, so it is better to be up front with them at the June advisement meeting to see if there are any issues. I expect there wonā€™t be in your case.

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also, i didnā€™t have to pay the 55$ housing fee and my application is complete. maybe itā€™s billed to my student account later?

@CADREAMIN check ur messages, donā€™t wanna flood the thread w personal questions

Welcome to cc, you will find this community super supportive on the transfer thread. Music Industry is a BS at USC and a great major - I have an MI major. They are good with financial aid, but it all depends on your personal family financial situation whether it is grants (free money) or loans (pay back). They do love their loans - I think it is insane that loans are referred to as financial aid.

Best you can do is be sure all the FA docs are in and even if single parent, there will be questions/docs to provide of other support (or lack thereof) that will need to be answered as well. At least you know they are looking at your app!

Good luck!

Yes you arenā€™t charged (to your account) unless you actually get housing. Will check messages later tonight, gotta figure out grub for tonight!

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When I had my TTP meeting last year my counselor just asked me which major Iā€™d like to choose so I donā€™t think it matters too much.

Good to know - thanks for sharing that!

Iā€™m kinda new here and you seem to know a lot about USC in general! are you like a student there or?

@CADREAMIN has been on these forums for quite sometimeā€¦ and has not steered anyone wrong with informationā€¦ so whether they are a student or apart of administrationā€¦ Cadre is a wonderful asset to us for our transition into USC


for those who were already admitted, did you receive a status update email? or was it just there?

most people say they received an email but some said they checked the portal and there was just an update. random

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IBeen doing this forum for 8 years, so have been gathering data (yes I have files on dates, numbers and all kind of info) on their admissions for a decade. If you followed this every year and researched the same university for different majors for several kids, ya just canā€™t help but learn something. Have a few contacts that share info with me, but I also get a lot from posters too - sometimes out here and sometimes in PMs. Store it all. Maybe I need to find a hobby, ha. Actually this is a way to give back to the Trojan community and I have great empathy for students and parents new to college admissions working with either too much or not enough info. Not trying to be a cheerleader for USC, but just help potential future Trojans with real info (I try to be as accurate as can be) and not just all rainbows.


yeah, I got offered admin for Berkeley in spring :frowning:

I appreciate all the information you have provided in the forums. I am sure we all do!!! Thatā€™s crazy thoughā€¦ 8 years!!! Thatā€™s commitment and dedication for sure and Iā€™m ALL FOR IT!!! There is no need for a hobby if you enjoy sharing your time to provide insight and knowledgeā€¦ thatā€™s what hobbies are at the end of the dayā€¦ something we enjoy spending our time onā€¦ so thank you so much for being you and helping hundreds of us feel like we have somewhere to go for guidance


wow thatā€™s awesome! 8 years is crazy. I hope you realize how much help you have offered us and previous students on this forum. I really appreciate it :)! thank you so much

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many thanks to you sir (?), this is a fantastic hobby. helping more people than u know

Thanks for the kind words all! My kids use to make fun of me doing this site until they realized that this is no different than them being into reddit or tik tok or other internet flavor of the day. We all have our own thing!

Once I donā€™t do this, the experience/knowledge I have just goes down the drain, so Iā€™d rather put it somewhere useful for now.