2021-2022 USC Transfer

that’s great! it’s honestly nice to see someone with previous experience helping out

do you expect to see more decisions coming out this week?


Another question regarding older students.
Is there a certain age that the school determines you are an adult and not dependent on your parents. In other words if someone is 25 or 26 or 30 and so on (have lived on their own, worked for several years), does the school expect parents to contribute?

The age is up to 24, that’s the age where parents are last able to claim you as a dependent on their tax return.

So otherwords is you’re 25+ you should be good, but FAFSA refers to tax returns from a year or two ago, so if they had you claimed as a dependent back then, I’m not sure what will happen there.

Wow 24, that was 11 years ago for me lmao :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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They will want to see their tax returns from the year before as well.

does the financial aid offer come out the same day as admission or after?

After, typically 4-7 days.

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does usc typically give out lots of aid/grants?

I’m gonna hedge a bit on decisions this week. Usually there is a wave like there was last week, but in the past it occured closer to April 10-15th, not as late as it did this year. Then it just stalls and there’s a lot of “what the heck, nothing is happening?!” feelings going on during an almost two week pause in the action. Then the gates open again on or close to May 1st. But they were a week later this year, making me question - do they still have the love for May 1st (which would be some decisions this Friday) or are we in that 2 week eye of the hurricane?

It’s a tough call, they are asking people a lot of questions so it feels like then next phase of review rather than results. But let’s hope the squeak some out. I can say if you are SCA or Viterbi, buckle in, those take awhile and tend to come towards mid to later May (15-20th ish). We see more Marshall, Dornsife and Annenberg results earlier than the other big two.


They do, it is all just driven by your personal financials. It’s like a snowflake, truly, no two FA packages are the same because your financial picture is unique to you.

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thank you so much for helping out!!! you’re amazing

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Do you know when Roski releases decisions for transfers? or a general idea?


Hey, guys I recently got into Tulane University as an incoming sophomore transfer and was wondering if you guys knew if Tulane and USC transfer admissions are similar? lol

If I can be honest on my prediction, I am hoping they will send out another wave this Friday but my gut is telling me the wave will come next Friday and the smaller schools will release 20-21 May. Hoping I am wrong and it’s sooner but my gut is telling me that I should expect that lol…

Agree, I am hoping their tendancy to do something close to May 1st is true this year as well. You have been very good at predicting so hope you are right again!

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I hope so too! but viterbi applicants shouldn’t expect anything around may 1st if they do end up releasing admissions right?

Hi guys! I recently found out about this thread - I’m so late to the party. Does anyone know if USC will be sending SGRs throughout the month of May? I’m a non-ttp sophomore transfer. A friend of mine who is TTP already got an SGR. I’m worried.

Hello and welcome! There has been some on the thread who has received an SGR but not many… I am also a non-TTP non legacy sophomore transfer who has not received a SGR so we are in the same boat. What major did you apply for and are you currently taking classes this spring that is pre-req for your degree, writing requirements?

Hiii! :slight_smile:
I am quite relieved to hear that we’re on the same boat. I applied as a political science major, and I am not taking any (necessarily) important pre-reqs for my degree. I’ve completed the writing and math requirements within high school and fall semester of 2020. I hope that makes sense!

The majority of people I know who transferred as a sophomore to USC got their SGRs during the end of April, regardless of whether they were taking pre-reqs or not. As sophomore applicants, we don’t have much to offer; thus, it makes sense that they’d want to see our spring grades. I hope we get them! What major did you apply for? :slight_smile: