2021-2022 USC Transfer

How important is full time enrollment as CCC transfer for USC. I was unfortunate to not be enrolled full time throughout most my years in CC due to family and financial reasons.
This year however, I had 14 units for Fall and 17 units for Spring. So just one year of full time enrollment.

USC definitely prefers full-time enrollment in their transfer applicants, but if you mentioned your circumstances within your application you should be fine. How many units is required at your CC to be considered full time?

It is 12 units (3 units each). I know most classes at USC are 4 units, so full time enrollment would usually mean 16 units. The admission counselor told me I should mimic those units by taking 5 classes instead of 4. Tbh USC didnā€™t catch my eye as a school I wanted to go to until last year, so when I heard that full time enrollment is highly emphasized it kinda brought me down. Im hoping my gpa can make up for it.

Also, Iā€™m taking a intro to business class this semester but considering dropping it for an ethnic studies class that meets one of the category for the articulation agreement. Since i am a business major, does the intro to business class transfer over to Marshall. I heard business courses aside from Accounting 1 and 2 will not meet the matriculation requirement. So is taking the course wasteful?
Sorry if this seems too much answer, Iā€™m defiantly over thinking it.

Take the ethnics studies class. I highly doubt the intro to business class will not transfer over. I had the same issue a few semesters ago and decided to drop that class. The more GEā€™s you have that transfer over, the more competitive your application would be.

i took a intro to bus class even tho it doesnā€™t transfer over. I think itā€™ll look good on transcript since it shows you have a strong interest in business. iā€™d recommend taking both ethnic studies and the business class if you can.

What do we all think the transfer numbers are going to be this year? how many compared to last year?

After being in a pandemic for nearly a year, I myself feel that it may be higher, but then again many people donā€™t want to go to school during this time so it could be lower, but Iā€™m not an expert. According to the 2020-2021 USC transfer student profile, 8,846 transfers applied, 1,447 were accepted, and 2,368 were admitted last year. It could be the same this year but with the global situation changing, the numbers could be the same or different.

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@CADREAMIN Hey, I hope you are having a nice day! I created a Sports podcast in mid-November to show my interest in journalism. Plus it was something I always wanted to do as well. I put as an extracurricular activity on my application but I didnā€™t include it in my essays. Do you think my podcast would be beneficial on my application?

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Do you guys think I should be worried if my common app bugged out and there was no spaces or indents in my writing? Like the paragraphs are somewhat visible bc of the start of the sentence, j no indents or spacing.

naw mine like that too, you good

do you guys think letter of recommendations can make a difference in your application process? I only got one from my professor, but Iā€™m considering getting one more from my work. I understand they arenā€™t required.

On USCā€™s website, they said they might not even look at the recs you sent. I also read on reddit that recs also donā€™t do much to your application unless theyā€™re extremely good or bad.


Anyone else feel like this transfer admissions cycle isnā€™t going to be as holistic as years past?

How so?

Should I upload my unofficial college transcript to the USC portal if my official college transcript has not arrived yet?

I think they said the transcripts can take up to 14 days to come, or even longer.
When did you send the transcripts?

I initially requested to send an official transcript on Jan 21th. However, I changed courses since then so I can meet all the recommended courses of my desired major in Dornsife. I requested a second transcript to be sent on Jan 24th and told my admissions counselor to ignore the first transcript. So itā€™s been almost two weeks since I requested my latest transcript to be sent.

When is the FAFSA priority deadline for transfers?

March 2nd

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