2021-2022 USC Transfer

I am seeking to study real estate development… I wouldn’t be so worried about the SGR, my opinion it’s a neutral response that lets you know they are seeking more information on you… maybe just to verify you didn’t drop any classes or just to see if your grades improve or remained steady… to be honest no one really knows for sure unless you work in Admissions. It’s still early so I am not really worrying until I need to worry. Good luck and we are all here for support if you need anything. The main forum champion is @CADREAMIN if you have questions but make sure you search at the top right first since it may have been answered already

Oh, I didn’t know! Thank you so much for answering my worries and helping out. I appreciate it. :smiley: You’re right - it is still pretty early.

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hey guys! there’s a discord server for transfer students if anyone is interested Discord

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You’ll see above I gave info that was somewhat vague because I like to keep my anonymity. People misread this as if I was the student applying. But actually it’s my stepchild that got an email of acceptance!

Music Industry BS for fall 2021. Sophomore transfer coming from a community college in LA. 3.9 grade point average, honor society, Dean’s list. Fulfilled the Math and English/Writing requirement and many other General Ed classes. Not TTP or legacy. Had roughly 50 credit hours (some won’t transfer) and full load of classes right now.

The email just arrived about 15 minutes ago. So acceptances are trickling out. Good luck everyone!


Congrats to your child on acceptance!

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Congrats! Did they ask for their Spring Grades before? And they heard back today?

Was there an email saying status update?

Thanks all! USC did not ask for the spring grades so that’s surprising. Stepchild got an email yesterday around dinner time from counselor asking for summer and fall grades. Then 3 minutes later said it was a mistake and they had them. So 24 hours later the admissions letter came.



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congrats! Was there an email saying status update?

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Yes, received an email saying there was a message in the portal.

If you don’t mind me asking, are they from SMC?

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hey guys! i just found this forum! i’m pretty late :,) i’m a second year at a cal state and i applied to usc-- marshall as my first major. i doubt i’m going to get accepted just by looking at your guys’ stats but i shot my shot hehe :,)

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congrats to your stepchild! @LACali

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Not from SMC.


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Welcome to the PARTY!!! Do not sell yourself short… you took your aim and right now we never know who admissions is going to accept… all we can do is hope we hear our answer soon… the wait is killer… lol We are all supportive on here.


My fingers are crossed for everyone here! I’ve been following the forum for awhile and hope it’s happy news for others too. Remember, acceptances can trickle out until July. It’s painful to wait but don’t give up until you hear something. No news can be good news.