2021-2022 USC Transfer

yes! econ as 2nd major too

oh no. those were separate. some received SGRs and other acceptance/rejections. Those with SGRs heard back in July!

Oh no!!! I hope that doesnā€™t mess with your application.

hi cal state friend! i got to a cal state too. hehe! (: @nmichelle591

USC accepts appeal letters rights?

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There is no formal appeal process for transfers, so you can send in an appeal but it may sit for weeks/months till/if they look at it. Of course, if you feel you have big updates that occurred since Feb to add, that were not included on your app, you can always try. But they have no formal obligation to do review it, as again, there is not an appeal process for transfers like there is during regular admission.

Tell her welcome to the Trojan Family! Great major! :grin: :v: :v: :v:

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If you get an email from advisor asking for anything, do not pass go, do not collect $200 dollars and go straight to your records and get them to your advisor. (For you Monopoly fans, the rest are like what are they talking about!!!)

From here on, we do see people get asked for a grade(s) and get in the very next day. Happens all the time. These one-off kind of situations happen in-between waves throughout May.

iā€™m a little nervous about usc now considering i got waitlisted at ucla and communication is a hard major to transfer into, but im hoping for the best

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Feeling the same way. Trying not to feel discouraged. This journey is not for the faint of heart. Hoping for some ā€œfight onā€ confetti in our future!!

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definitely manifesting acceptances for the both of us!

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Hey guys! I just got off with my counselor and she told me USC has always sent out their letters on May 30th which really surprised me cuz I thought they do it in waves. Idk Iā€™m super nervous now considering that I have to commit to the schools I have applied to by June. Iā€™m not really sure now

wait what

so we should expect acceptance letters?

Hi, we have already debunked this earlier in the thread. This is just a default answer to get you off the phone so they can continue doing what they need to do in this process. They cannot give you specifically a set date so they give you the answer that is provided on the usc.edu website. We have members who were accepted last Friday and past threads shown these decisions does come in wavesā€¦ it is true they can wait until 31 May but itā€™s not necessarily the absolute


ahhh thx so much!!! my heart dropped when my counsler said that lol. Sorry for the confusion yall!

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No problemā€¦ that would make anyone heart drop but we do have some people that are regular transfers that heard last weekā€¦ itā€™s a possibility another wave will be this Friday but itā€™s not guaranteed

hello everyone! Just wondering if anyone knows when people who applied under Keck will hear back?

praying, they sent me an email about it and i freaked out. : (

omg hi!!! best of luck to us <333

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