2021-2022 USC Transfer

I heard since it is a smaller program, late May. I applied to Keck too! I am nervous though because my gpa is not very competitive but my essays were well-written and I have good EC… we will see I guess

got it thank you! Best of luck! :slight_smile:

My son got in keck last week. TTP. Good luck.

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Happy for you!

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This is just a random question, but since a general email was sent out last Saturday regarding applicants who have to send a SGR, does that mean USC is no longer giving SGR’s and now it’s just Acceptances or Rejections, cause I don’t think they would personally email each applicant they gave an SGR, that’s why they sent a mass email to all people who had gotten a SGR last Saturday.

hmm. that’s possible, but I do think that they do send them out separately or in batches at least. bc they don’t review all applications all at once. it could also be department by department

my college doesn’t release your grades from your first semester…and I just got an email asking for my dean to send them unofficially :thinking:

was the email from USC

Was he a TTP or legacy by any chance?

Yeah! From the regional AO—I understand why she asked even though I can’t do anything about it. Hoping it means the decision will come soon though!


hopefully. best of luck!!

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Yes he is a TTP. He finished math and writing requirements and his GEs.

Oh nice, congratulations to him!

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I wonder if we’ll be hearing anything from usc today/tomorrow

I honestly do not know but I’m hoping a wave will come out this week. The stagnant movement is slowly draining me…


any viterbi people heard back yet (sgr or anything)?

not yet

any annenberg people heard back yet?

Congrats to you and your son!

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anyone applying to Marshall school of business as a junior? Im kind of worried that my essays weren’t the best :confused: