2021-2022 USC Transfer

i did!

Have any non-TTP and non legacies heard back from Dornsife?

nice! I was wondering how heavily essays are considered even with a good gpa. Im gonna be honest my essays werenā€™t the best tbh :sweat_smile:

i havent heard anything back yet as an annenberg applicant but to be fair, i didnā€™t take classes this spring semester (graduated last fall) so thats probably why i havent heard anything in terms of sgr or admission

i wish i knew the right answer, but i am thinking since this years applicants are all super competitive with high GPAs. They most likely will use the essays to make a decision for applicants!

I see thanks!

should I be worried that Iā€™ve gotten absolutely no information or contact from USC in the past few weeks :((

nope!!! youā€™re not the only one :slight_smile:

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I havenā€™t been notified either :upside_down_face:

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i havent either haha, i dont think its too much cause for concern

got it, iā€™m just super freaked out about maybe doing something wrong because there were so many little aspects throughout the process. iā€™ve been in regular contact with my AO but i donā€™t want to be annoying lol

Yeah youā€™re not the only oneā€¦ all I got was a blanket email about the topping scholarship. All will eventual come to light soonā€¦

i got an email abt topping scholarship but i donā€™t think i qualify haha

Hey guys I wanted to ask a stupid question but how do you calculate your USC gpa in regards to your CC classes

I do not think thatā€™s a stupid question at all and frankly I do not recall it ever being askedā€¦ Iā€™m curious myself


do you like email your AO for updates or? I want to be in contact w mine but she never answers

I applied to Marshall too as a sophomore applicant. I feel you but donā€™t worry too much, essay sure is important but GPA is the most considered aspect of admission process! All the hard work youā€™ve done so far wonā€™t let you down. I hope we both make it to Marshall!

Btw, if you are anything like me and was checking your email every single time it went off. I have a suggestion that might help. If you have an iPhone (not sure what android does) but if you make the USC Office of Admission as a VIP on your email and setup a specific alarm for your VIP listā€¦ it will help not make you so eager to check your phone every 5 seconds (just anxious on when your phone will play that distinct alarm)

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Thank you so much I hope we both get admitted!!!


Hi guys, I know the wait is really anxiety-inducing and itā€™s making us doubt our own abilities, but I just wanted to drop in to tell you guys that I believe in all of you. I expect a lot of people to be surprised this year with regards to admission decisions.

Iā€™m applying to Dornslife under Sociology with a 3.79 and I was wondering if anyone else was too? I glanced over the Transfer admission profile for 2020 and while I am within the 50th percentile bracket, this year is probably drastically different and Iā€™m scared all the same.