2021-2022 USC Transfer

Great, hope it works out for you! It’s just a crazy expensive school and area to be around, like so many colleges these days!


Yeah that’s exactly what I meant, I’m hoping for lots of fin aid too, if I even end up getting in

Unfortunately I think the $80,000 tuition free thing is for regular freshmen only if I don’t recall. I tried applying for it but an AO said it’s only for freshmen applicants/admits

wait fr? that’s so annoying

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Yes, that is true, but they will evaluate you for aid based on your circumstances.

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Hello. Havent followed this thread in a long time. Are decisions expected today because of the insta post?

the insta post was bc the freshmen reply date/deadline was today

but they already posted the freshman congrats post a while back, why would the post it again

the freshman congrats post was when decisions came out. today was their deadline to commit

Where is our congrats :((

Hey you guys, not to sound harsh but I highly doubt things are going to be updated this weekend… the post is for those incoming freshman that commited since deadline was today… seriously you guys really need to calm down and take a breath.
The second wave of decisions in previous years was projected for May 1 but everything has been pushed at least a week from looking at how this year has been so far… look at the example of last Friday decisions… it was a week later than from past years… acceptances were rolling as late as 20-21 may for those that never was requested an SGR… so just because we are getting closer does not mean it’s a rejection. Call it what it is once you receive an email update… until then please enjoy your weekend, do something fun adventurous and spend time doing things you love to do… our anxiety has the best of us most of the week with us still in classes or preparing for finals plus wondering will “today be the day?” Don’t let it ruin the weekend when you should be taking care of yourself… the stress is very unhealthy but I know it’s unavoidable so try to manage by practicing self care to relieve some of the stress. There is nothing else any one of us can do but just wait out the storm… it’s completely out of control at this point.


Yeah I could not agree more! Well said. And to add on, it just sucks speculating so much because things can ALWAYS differ no matter what. I know people are saying the “bigger” programs should release first and soon like Marshall, but last year my friend got her Marshall acceptance May 21. So, we never really know.

Exactly, we do not know… so I put all my USC email addresses I have into the VIP folder on my iPhone with a distinct notification. I am only focused on hearing that sweet sound because that is when i will know for sure… the speculations the predictions (though I enjoy making them) do not matter… 31 may is the very last day that USC allowed themselves to have to reach their decisions (SGR OR an absolute decision) so I choose to accept that I’ll hear anytime from now til then… I hope to hear sooner but if it ends up being the 31st then so be it… some of us have different situations that we “need” to hear sooner. I get that and some have made the decision to commit elsewhere or withdraw… though it’s unfortunate to have to settle on an alternative… all things happens for a reason.

my AO said they don’t pay too much attention to demonstrated interest

Does anyone know what time are they releasing next wave of decision? Or its just random and rolling?

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No one knows but there’s a second wave coming either next week or after

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Do you guys think a 3.71 GPA is strong enough for Marshall? I would transfer as a junior and I’ve taken over 60 credits at my cc (including all my prereq). I believe that my essays were strong as I wrote my heart on them, good extracurriculars, and I got a recommendation letter from my business professor. However, best of luck to everyone and fight on!!!


wow, I pretty much have the same stats as you!! good luck to you and I’m hoping/praying for the best for both of us :))


@ Martino2210 and @ happydaze99 Lmaoo I have pretty similar stats to you guys best of luck to all of us!


3.7 gang :triumph: :triumph: :triumph: