2021-2022 USC Transfer

Yes!! praying for you, we got this!

Lmaoo thatā€™s crazy, I trust that we all will get in!! we got this :triumph:

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You knoww :triumph: :triumph:

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U kno the vibe!!!

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If I received a SGR do I want until my final grades come out because the email said unofficial grades, but are they asking for my transcript once spring grades are finalized?

pretty sure this is a request for your spring grades once theyā€™re finalized :slight_smile:

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As soon as they receive your final grades, you can be notified of your decision- as I recall once, as soon as a week after, or up to mid-July.

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so i sent in my application on time, all transcripts on time etcā€¦ and my portal has had all green check marks this entire time.
woke up to an email from USC saying that they need my college transcripts. :expressionless:

very disappointed with my application experience. this, on top of everything else; the wait, the lack of communication, the uncertainty, and more IS absolutely disheartening. i expect more from a large university like usc and this experience just proves my point that USC values freshman admits over their transfer students.

iā€™m going to upload an unofficial transcript to the portal


Iā€™m so sorry about that :persevere:

Yeah they do pay less attention to their transfer students, I really hope the same doesnā€™t happen to me and that they have received all of my materials- because I too have all green checkmarks.

thank you.
i had the same thing! all green check marks until this morning when i woke up to that email.
itā€™s also confusing because the email i received says that if you have turned in these items to ignore the email. way to be organized!

Thatā€™s so true though. I started to email my admission consular started March and she never replied a single letter.

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For all of our troubles, I really hope we get admitted. I submitted my documents early, my HS transcript on the 20th of January and my CC transcript on the 3rd of February.

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Anyone know if we gonna see a big wave of decisions on Friday, May 7? Because so far I feel like we got barely anything or only TTPā€™s did.


We might see something on May the 7th. If not, the 14th. Usually, thereā€™s a long period of silence between the first initial batch and the second big wave.


does anyone know the earliest we would be able to move in?

When you find housing, lease agreements vary but most are 12 months. I would not be counting on USC housing at all. They have already told juniors and seniors basically no chance of housing. If they give it to transfers ahead of continuing students, there may be a mutiny. :slight_smile:

But may be why we saw a distinct group of TTP find out first. My guess is that first group that heard is only group with teeny chance of housing.

Lmao Iā€™m in the exact same situation as you! I also just got into UVA but am looking towards my USC decision before making my choice. I also want to start looking for Off-Grounds housing but Iā€™m holding off for now incase USC releases decisions soon. Itā€™s annoying how USC does their decisions so late


I agree with you. The lack of communication and the haphazard treatment of transcripts has been a complete turn-off. My son did not expect this from a school like USC. Thankfully he has many great options and has moved on. For all the med school hopefuls here, please know that the USC Keck School of Medicine heavily favors applicants hailing from UC schools. They admit undergrads from UCLA over their own undergrads. (My daughter was a Bruin and is now attending Keck.)

Dang good to know. I completely thought the opposite not sure why lol, thanks for sharing

Transfers have never been a priority and it shows. It is seen within campus as well. Nikias opened up the transfer gates wider and many have not been pleased since. Just how it is, donā€™t see that attitude changing.