2021-2022 USC Transfer

I haven’t received an SGR. I never even got a WGR (I’m on the quarter system at a 4-year) but I submitted my winter grades because I saw that they told transfers on the quarter system to do so on Twitter. I submitted my winter grades over three weeks ago but it shows on the portal that they still haven’t received it. Anyone at a four-year or quarter system college in the same position?

Hey everyone. I am a transfer student at Marshall. I was accepted last April and began classes in the Fall.

If anyone has any questions feel free to dm me on here. Just to get the FAQs out of the way: I did not get an SGR, I was accepted on April 20th 2020. I transferred from Goldenwest College in Huntington Beach, CA. I had a 3.75 GPA and I was a veteran applicant.


Does anyone know how many spots there are for Keck undergrad? I read on a 2019 forum post that someone’s admission counselor said 25 spots for transfers… is that possible to be true cause if so I probably should have applied under Dornsife lol

it should show up on your application checklist :slight_smile:

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I am veteran myself (medically retired) how is the veteran community in USC. Do you feel it helped set you apart from other transfers during the application process

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honestly, the veteran community is awesome here. obviously with covid certain events and gatherings were virtual, but there are a handful of veterans here in LA who have gotten together over the two semesters, while still practicing social distancing.

i was told USC does have a soft spot for veterans, so I am sure that it helped to some extent. but not all veteran applicants last year were admitted. I think my essays were really strong. coupled with A’s in my required transfer courses, I think really helped me.

I applied for price for real estate development and I know it’s a competitive school to get into with a trend of 4% consistent year by year… I am hoping my military experience along with working in real estate as a realtor for about 4 years with help out my average GPA 3.7

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I know there were a handful of transfers for price last year, one I know, who is a veteran, didn’t have any real estate experience and I believe he only did one contract. If you feel great about your essays then I’m sure you have a good chance at being admitted.

I feel okay about it, I feel I could have done better. But I did express what I wanted to say so we will see :slight_smile: I appreciate coming on here and speaking to us… A lot of our nerves are shot

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of course! I remember last year some transfers from the previous year were on here answering questions and they were helpful. just trying to do the same. good luck!


Considering the only two majors in Keck undergrad are Global Health and
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Studies, I would doubt there would be a ton of applicants, which may account for the small number of spots.

@seabee91 Nice to see you back here - glad USC is going well for you!!!

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Does anyone Know when the date is to submit our statement of intent to enroll is for us undergrad transfers? I know that most of us haven’t even received our admission letters yet haha but just wondering if anyone knew

By June 1st, or two weeks after receiving your admission which applies to those finding out less than two weeks before June 1st, or those finding out after June 1st.

For those offered spring admission, commit by date it is August 1st.

So lets say I receive my admission on May 30, I have two weeks to decide after that, correct?


@CADREAMIN I’m curious, I’m applying for USC as a Freshman for 2022-2023 school year but if I don’t get in, what are the transfer scholarships like? Can transfers get the Trustee/Presidential scholarships? I’m submitting my chance me soon… Thanks!

did anyone else who applied before use the same essays or like same type of essays but updated them a bit? for me, i was definitely sure my essays were not reason i got rejected last year, and my answers applied to prompts well in my opinion. i did update a bit of them, and obviously write new ones for why I want to transfer and one other prompt was different so I wrote a different essay for that

This is not USC-related but I feel this could help with dealing with outside influences that are not necessarily good for you. How to Deal with Negative People - Kevin Hart & Joe Rogan - YouTube

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sigh another day of no updates