2021-2022 USC Transfer

Patience my friends, there could be more decisions incoming by the end of this week. If not, next week is go time


Transfers are not eligible for the freshman scholarships. They have 40 transfer scholarships for 1/4 tuition. And of course financial aid (non merit based) still applies as well. Letā€™s hope you get in as a freshman, good luck!


Will getting a B in Calc really harm me? I have a 4.0 GPA right now in college, and the spring semester Iā€™m getting all Aā€™s except for Calc. I got a SGR, but Iā€™m scared my final Calc grade might really harm my application.

That depends. Is your calculus class a prerequisite or a GE? Is it important for your major?

Even so, I donā€™t think a B would seriously jeopardize your chances, there are people who get Cā€™s in major classes that still get into USC after a SGR. They just want to see if you pass all the required courses, but preferably do well if you can.


I forgot to address this in my initial comment, but yes Iā€™m a Marshall transfer, thus calc is a prerequisite to transfer in. I do understand they want to see simply that you ā€œPassā€ especially since Iā€™m a TTP and Legacy and already have good stats, but I just really wanna make sure I do have a good chance of getting into USC cause I really donā€™t want to spend another year at my current university.


Yes of course, I never said that you should settle for anything lower than a B, I just meant that getting one is not a dealbreaker. I understand the difficulty of Calculus and so do the AOā€™s, a B is relatively normal and will not hinder your chances. You should be fine.

EDIT: What would your overall GPA be after that B?

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Well I got all Aā€™s and then one B in Calc (these of course are temporary as my Spring semester ends next week), and I took 10 classes in total throughout this whole year (both fall and spring semester), so I think I have a 3.87?

EDIT: 3.87 is what I will have if I receive all Aā€™s and then on B in Calc after a full year.
I had a 4.0 my Fall semester, so itā€™ll drop from a 4.0 to 3.87 if I get one B in calc in the spring.


Yeah, in that case you should be fine. Your gpa for this semester will be around a 3.8 under the assumption that you took 5 classes and got all Aā€™s with the exception for a B in calculus. That is not too far from your overall gpa (3.87 ish), which is nearly spotless already. I think you didnā€™t break the overall positive trend that they observed in your application, which most probably means you will be fine.

I have not taken Calculus yet and they said itā€™s not a dealbreaker. They will consider every case individually. Applying to Marshall

Yeah so the consensus here is that you will be fine

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So you havenā€™t taken calc at all before transferring, but they said itā€™s okay? Thatā€™s good then :smiley: AND good luck to you fellow Marshall applicant.

Thanks so much for the advice and reassurance. I hope I will be fine. :smiley:

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Thank you. Transferring from Santa Monica College with 3.94 and a lot of EC (National championship in Volleyball, Volunteering in Police Department, Participating in Researches in universities in Russia, Poland and the US etc). I donā€™t have a strong hs GPA and no honor classes so it can be any decision for me.

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Hey your application is SOLID. Itā€™d be a waste not to accept you. I also did not have a strong HS GPA (my school did percentages not the GPA scale, so I only had a 90 overall), although I did a lot of APā€™s and honors. But, theyā€™ll most likely rely on your college transcript ESPECIALLY if you showed improvement in college.


Do not worry, they do not account for HS gpa if you have more than 30 units completed! It is extremely common for people with low HS gpas to get in. In fact, itā€™s a common narrative that you grow and learn from the past. Your 3.9 and ECā€™s are stellar! Donā€™t doubt yourself.


Thank you :heart::heart:


USC just told me that chances are slim for decisions to be released before May 31st :frowning:

Didnā€™t you contact your counselor about this last week. Itā€™s just a default responseā€¦ they have until 31 May chick-a-dee. Just relax the decision will come when they come.


I donā€™t doubt Kendraā€™s info, she always giveā€™s great advice and support and what she said is probably most accurate. However, I would also like to add that if you take a look at last years transfer USC forum, one student did receive their decision on June 3rd. The student was accepted. Just thought I would add that incase the last few weeks of may come around and you still havenā€™t heard anything. Donā€™t lose hope! Again, that was one student and the rest of us will most likely hear before the 31st, weā€™re almost there :blush:

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Hey guys I had a question regarding my application(sorry if this is a dumb question)
Iā€™m applying as a Business administration major to the Marshall School of business, when I was writing my essays I also wrote an essay for the Dornsife portion. Im looking back now did I make a mistake?