2021-2022 USC Transfer

When did u get it?

Do you guys recommend uploading current spring grades so they have an idea of how weā€™re doing. Or should we let them request SGRā€™s?

In all honesty, that is a judgement call that you can only make. I have been wondering that as well but personally, I decided i would rather wait to see if they are even wanting spring grades and this is solely for my own personal reasons that may not be the best reason for you.

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I think waiting would be best because I feel like it might delay your application

Today at 5pm.

are people with quarter system schools mainly getting SGRā€™s ?

I got an SGR. non ttp non legacy, viterbi. wish me luck guys ):


Hello everyone, yesterday I received an SGR which I anticipated because I am currently taking 6 pre-reqs(I am a freshman applicant non-ttp and non-legacy) In the email it states, " we would like to see the final grades fromā€¦"; however, it also tells me to ā€œupload your unofficial spring gradesā€. Does this mean to upload my current spring grades? or to wait for them to be finalized and then upload an unofficial transcript?

i think they mean to wait until your grades are finalized idk someone fact check me plz

Not sure. Iā€™m at a quarter school and I havenā€™t received an SGR.

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Did you just get it? Its lateā€¦ Iā€™m not worried hunnā€¦ You got this!!!

called yesterday. they lost my transcripts :slight_smile:
chances of this having any effect on my admissions decision might seem slim but i feel like itā€™ll hinder my application

Hey guys I know this might be a stupid question and I am definitely overthinking this, but is it normal to not receive a spring grade request even if you are doing a lot of units this semester.

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Same position. Iā€™m taking 20 units and have yet to receive an SGR. Are you taking prerequisites this semester/major requirements? If your GPA is high, maybe they donā€™t need verification that youā€™ll keep your spring grades up and youā€™ll receive your decision soon.

It depends on your specific situation. Typically, applicants(Freshmans applying for sophomore year) with under 30 units or applicants who are in the taking a pre-requisite receive SGR. With this in mind, itā€™s more uncommon for Sophomores (applying for Junior year) to receive an SGR since they already have a sufficient number of credits from which an admission decision can be determined from.

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Same here, taking 18 units but not major requirements. However, Iā€™m taking a couple of honors clases and calc 2(which is not a req)

Iā€™m in a similar situation Iā€™m taking 17 units including calc 2 which is not a major requirement.

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yup! it was pretty late which is why I was surprised. thank you!! <3

Thanks @CADREAMIN! Iā€™m getting my chancing page ready to submit! One of my friends from TJ ,which is where I attend, showed me this site and he posted beforehand so Iā€™m just waiting a few days to submit it so that I donā€™t get banned due to suspicion of two of the same school submitting chance mes.

i just did thisā€¦ only because my grades are pretty decent right now and @CADREAMIN said it shows youre still interested! but up to u