2021-2022 USC Transfer

Hey guys quick one, I was wondering what the conditions of admission would be once I get my acceptance (I am the king of wishful thinking). For example do I have to maintain a 3.0 this semester? It would be really helpful if anyone could answer this or show me what one looks like.

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Hey guys, if people usually get an SGR do they end up getting in if their grades are consistent compared to their other semesters. Does anyone know? Kinda nervous

Basically. If theyā€™re straight Aā€™s, and you meet the gpa minimum, you should be good to go

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oh okay i dont have straight Aā€™s I will have 1 or 2 A-'s no B+'s tho for sure, so that should be good as well?

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You should be fine, As long as youā€™re showing admissions that your grades are improving. Admissions looks at each applicantā€™s information on a case-by-case basis, so everyone is different

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@CADREAMIN I have a question, I got an SGR last night and its green checked already. do you think I might hear back by may 31?

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I have a question. I just read through and saw some people had been requested for a winter grades but I never got oneā€¦ Iā€™m wondering if that is because when I had turned in my application my winter grades were already accounted for into my GPA/courses since my semester was done in December?

Hey everyone, is it safe to say that updates are released everyday or every other day at 5ish? or we dont rlly know

honestly they come at random times but they usually start at around 5 pm

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Non-ttp SGR last night at around 8:15 ET

Non-ttp also and I got my SGR also at 5:12 PM PST to be exact lol

looks like a lot of people got SGRs last night. majority (if not all) were non-ttp

Good Morning/Afternoon everyone, I see there is some movement on the SGRs last nightā€¦ I was not one of those non-ttpsā€¦ so for those who havenā€™t received any updatesā€¦ it is okay! You are not alone.


Same! Non ttp, no sgr, but I feel confident!

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Im ttp and havent received anything, im low key worried.

they could have all they need to give you a final decision. Thats goodā€¦ no delays.


I figured I would break my silence, sharing a bit about myself and giving some words of encouragement as we all wait.

Iā€™m non-TTP with an SGR from two weeks ago, applying to Film Production.

Iā€™m currently serving in the Air Force, have completed two Associate degrees, almost finished my first bachelor degree. I also have won somewhere around 15 academic and military awards.

I currently have a 3.86 GPA, with 43 transferable credits, 49 credits and a 3.88 after this term.

I documented a lot of ECs (Current honor society President, member of 6 honor Societies, Toastmasters VP, a few hundred volunteer hours, and some other things.)

I used all my recommendations for USC and SCA, contacting my Highschool guidance counselor, boss, Wing Commander, and mentor to write recommendations on me, I also waived my right to view them.

I wrote my essays on my personal experiences, more specifically, how I was homeless, in poverty and my fatherā€™s mental illness which, in my youth, I believed entitled me to charity. Growing out of that mentality and becoming accountable for my actions and future after barely graduating high school with a 2.2 GPA. I attended an adult high school to finish my last few credits and spoke about how my guidance counselorā€™s faith in me propelled my into the future.

I wrote briefly about seeing the world, traveling to more than 18 countries, and how I died once(only for 4 minutes and 16 seconds) while I was overseas. How I went through trials and depression and grew so far over that situation.

I decided to share this information with you all because I want you to know I feel the same anxiety as some of you. I believe, genuinely, that you all deserve the opportunity to provide value to USC and I have faith that you will. Regardless of what happens, look back on your journey up to this point and be proud of how far you have pushed yourself. You deserve to acknowledge your own greatness.



Welcome and I am retired Vet (USAF as well). We are glad you decided to break your silence.

Also, thought I add thank you for sharing so much on your first post. I can already tell you are a very humble and resilient individual. You will exceed far in this world and give so much to those around you.

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I appreciate you.

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viterbi first choice/ dornsife second

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