2021-2022 USC Transfer

Someone asked about condition of acceptance - they aren’t that picky and not likely to rescind unless you have grade lower than a C. However, some do get letters (not all) that state a condition specifically, like you must maintain a 3.5 or 3.0. That would be those that didn’t get SGR, but haven’t reported their grades yet either. Again, not general rule, frankly the conditional acceptances seem a bit random.

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Welcome! Thank you for your service and I wish you great luck!!!


What abt 1 W? Not pre req or major-related course though.

to those who got SGR, where did they show up on your portal? I am so nervous it’s already there and I am missing it lol

you cant miss the big red X under application checklist lol if you dont see that you are good.


thank you! I am absolutely overthinking it, and seeing a lot of people getting their SGR’s i’m freaking out thinking that I missed something because I haven’t heard anything.

I currently have a 3.78 applying for Marshall. I am hoping by the end of this semester I can push that to a 3.8. I am applying as a junior though with around 50ish units completed.


I havent received one either, dont over think though, either a. our application has not been reviewed just yet or they have everything they need to make a decision and we will get a final decision on or before 31May

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Not getting an SGR can be a good thing. Plenty accepted without them.


I have a good feeling that decisions will start to come out by next week for non ttps

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lets hope sooner rather than later… I got a WHOLE USC Celebration list of goodies in my Amazon account. FIGHT ON!!!


I really do hope these next few weeks bring us nothing but good news! we’re approaching may 20th which is when a lot of decisions usually come out so that’s good. we have all worked so hard for this and hopefully everyone’s hard work pays off (: I’m gonna be honest getting an sgr last night really scared me and I hope it does me more good than bad, I really want to get in!


I have a 3.78, applying for Dornsife (Sociology). I also have around 54 units completed and am applying as a Junior. With my first spring class completed, I have a 3.79, and should hopefully boost it to a 3.82 after the conclusion of my three other classes.

Keep in touch, it seems as if our situations are relatively similar.


Honesty in your feelings is what being human is all about. Just keep doing you and submit those grades as soon as you can. YOU GOT THIS!!!

Your mantra for the next few weeks: I AM an USC Trojan!


nice mine is dornsife second choice as well, specifically econ.

exactly! thank you so much for your kind words kendra (: you’ve been so helpful to me and everyone on this forum, I really hope you hear back soon!!!


anyone heard anything this week?

Just a bunch of SGR’s so far this week

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Finally decided to join after lurking for months. I’m a non ttp, regular junior transfer from a UC.

I emailed my counselor asking when I can expect an admission decision. She replied that admissions were on a rolling basis and I could expect to hear from mid-May to mid-July.

I only applied to USC, so I’m so desperate to get in.

Good luck to everyone here! :slight_smile:

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I’ve heard another person on this forum say that they were USC or bust. It’s definitely a risky decision but I have faith in you and your ability to get in. Good luck!