2021-2022 USC Transfer

That’s a pretty standard response from them. But most likely you’ll hear by May 30th. I’ve seen only one person on this forum (USC 2020-2021) get an admissions response in June and it was on the 3rd. So you’ll find out hopefully sooner than you think, good luck! :blush::crossed_fingers:

There are actually quite a few that end up getting an SGR at the end of May instead of a decision (ahhhhhhh!) and they don’t hear until June all the way to around July 10th depending on their school’s schedule and getting grades in. Those SGRs come at same time during the last “big bang” with rejections and acceptances close to the end of the month. But usually they are happy to get SGR cause at least it means they aren’t rejected (yet).

We should be getting some additional decisions trickling out soon before the last big blowout.


it was me… i dont have a choice honestly… my degree is VERY specific… closest college I could apply to is San Diego and being that I am a mom with a child in school and a soon to be husband with a job at a major aerospace company… i really cant just up and move 3 hours away… or commute that for that matter.

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Oh, then I probably heard 2+ people lol, I didn’t recall you saying it, someone else said that USC was their dream school and they were all or nothing. Good luck regardless! Also thank you for your positivity in the thread.

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You (and everyone else) is welcome… i believe in spreading positivity because negativity is truly a disgusting virus that is so easily spread.

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To answer this question, at least for me, it was to maintain a GPA of at least 3.4 with no grade lower than C. Hope this helps^^


If USC has the audacity to reject you we should all march over there and bang on the doors of the admissions office to accept you.


Awh… I appreciate it, I promise you I am not going down until I exhausted all my options… but until then… I am vibing and no one can tell me otherwise!!!


Were these conditions for TTP applicants?

My son may have moved on from USC, but I am staying put until I see You and Virgil GET IN! You are so upbeat, helpful, and kind to all here! The school would be honored to have an asset like you. So if anyone from admissions is lurking about, you know what you have to do! Get on it!


Thank you :pray:


Thank you so much. I have had such a good time being on here with everyone… we have had our days of feeling beat down, exhausted and wanting to just give up… but i will say this group has helped tremendously on overcoming those days (even if it may seem I have always been upbeat and super positive) So I am thankful for everyone on here and I wish nothing but the best to all of us. #USCBound baby #FIGHT ON!!! :v:t4: :v:t4: :v:t4:


I have all the reasons to get an SGR but still haven’t heard anything. I am taking 22 credits 7 classes which includes calc which is a requirement for marshall. Non ttp or legacy. Im starting to worry

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Don’t worry too much. I’m also applying as Marshall as a junior transfer and I still haven’t heard back. I’m currently taking 17 units and have completed taking 51 units. My advice is just wait out. Hope that helps.


Yeah but they seem like good benchmarks for everyone so…

Good Morning Everyone. Happy Thursday.


might just be because you’re getting accepted lol or they haven’t got to you’re application


You too!

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By the way, not to make any feel anxious but I have a good feeling about today or tomorrow evening for another wave of decisions… as far if it will be non-ttps, my gut is not giving me feelings on that but I do have fuzzy feelings we should hear some good news for some folks before the weekend… lets hope my gut is not wrong.


I just updated my extracurriculars through an email to my AO (because I also had to clarify some other stuff) and feeling like she will hate me even more 🥲