2021-2022 USC Transfer

hopefully she responds back that she received them. Did you also update your common app?

I will do that today!

i would just in case your AO sees it laterā€¦ its better to cover your bases.

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yeah I suggest updating your commonapp too! I was told they wouldnā€™t check it but better be safe than sorry u can never guess with usc loll

Hmm, not necessarily. I updated my common app, and emailed my USC admissions officer. They said that they would take the information into consideration, but it could simply refer to the information I had provided in my email. Either way, they do take into account changes, but make sure you do both- update Common App and email. Itā€™s the only way to make sure.

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I am certain that in your case it will have no impact.

  1. first and foremost it is always about the grades 2) well written and thoughtful essays. Give yourself plenty of time to let these simmer and perfect. Your chances are excellent.

hello! Does anyone know if or when weā€™re supposed to send AP credits? I just listed them on my common app but am unsure if we were supposed to send them from the collegeboard.

Iā€™d send them as soon as possible - just to show youā€™re prepared. I sent mine before I sent in my application, so around Jan/Feb

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Hoping for decisions today or tomorrow!! After reading threads from years past I got nervous about how long this takes. I am non-TTP & no-SGR (yet). I am legacy if that even matters anymore. Do non-TTP w/no SGR usually hear back earlier??

They have until 31 May to give you some kind of answer. To my understanding, an SGR is technically an answer so your ā€œfinal decisionā€ can be after 31 May but not always the situation (some have still received a final acceptance/rejection decision before 31 May or a few days after BUT some heard back as late as mid-July). If you have not received anything yet then you should expect to hear something on or before 31 May.

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Just remember if in the event you do get an SGR. Upload your unofficial grades as soon as possible and i believe you will have to order an official as wellā€¦ but I am not 100% sure on thatā€¦ I know for sure i have heard several people say their AO stated to upload the unofficial as soon as its avaliable

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Thank you! Yes, I will be sure to upload an unofficial as soon as spring grades are available. Early on in this process my AO was communicative via email. The last two communications (March I sent my Winter grade update & 1 in April) I have not heard back at all. I hope that they are just busy and canā€™t respond.

I am sure they are busy especially being May nowā€¦ the way I look at itā€¦ I have not been updated yet on ANY kind of answer so I am still waiting.

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That Is True. I Got My Decision On July 10th Last Yearā€¦ Hoping That Doesnā€™t Happen To Any Of Us This Year.


I am waiting all this time just to be rejected sigh

I think I might end with a C in the Calc requirement to transfer into Marshallā€¦ and I also got a SGRā€¦ At this point, should I just rescind my application? I finished all Aā€™s in the rest of my classes, but I got a C in Calcā€¦ Do I even have a chance now? And I donā€™t think an explanation for such a grade can remediate the grade itselfā€¦

Also, my GPA literally went from a 4.0 to a 3.74 because of that one C in Calcā€¦ Isnā€™t the avg. GPA for transfers like a 3.7? I really messed up my whole application because of Calcā€¦

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Hey yā€™all! Iā€™ve been lurking on this thread, but I just got a SGR!

Hopeful to be admitted after my spring grades come in!


No sense in bailing now, just ride it out. What will be will be. Other things in your app may make up for that, or not, but I think you should find out rather than always wondering what may have happenedā€¦

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Got a SGR on april 12th and i submitted my unofficial final spring grades on may 4th. just got an email that my official final transcript has been sent to usc. any chance i could hear back soon? or at least before may 31st? (Iā€™m ttp and legacy)
