2021-2022 USC Transfer

Do NOT withdraw! You have nothing to gain. If you were already going to commit to one school, there is nothing stopping you from waiting for a result from USC. I have seen people with C’s in calc with Business Administration as their major get in via SGR. You can do this! Have faith and patience in the process.


On the way to Marshall, calc is a prerequisite subject and a core subject. Something might be asked to explain.

Thank you so much for the reassurance and support. I really do appreciate it. I mean everything else in my application is good besides that Calc grade, as I have great EC’s, recommendation letters, I got all A’s in all my other classes, and my HS GPA was also good. I’m also a TTP and legacy, so maybe they’ll be more forgiving. If I want to provide an explanation, who do I contact, but also, is it worth giving an explanation (regardless of the circumstances) cause a C kinda speaks for itself.

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True. OP should definitely explain their circumstances.

There will be no problem with you reaching Marshall. For sure…

hi guys!! has anyone applying to dornsife gotten an SGR?? I haven’t gotten one and i’m a little bit worried about it

what does OP mean? Original poster, so is that referring to me?

I did today!

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yeah you, original poster

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there’s no need to worry about not getting a SGR. There are plenty of people who never get SGR’s and get accepted, so don’t fret.


was that addressed to me? or duuoui?

Once again, your entry into Marshall is only a matter of time. You’re a big man who comforts others.



hi hi hiii! I’ve been a lurker on this thread for quite some time now, and I figured it’s time to introduce myself to all the amazing and supportive people on this thread! I’m a female junior transfer to Marshall from a CCC and this is actually my second time applying. I applied last year, also as a junior, but I was rejected May 22nd… ahhhh! Of course the rejection turned out to be a blessing in disguise, but I hoping that this is the year! Glad to see @CADREAMIN again, as helpful and supportive as always :slight_smile: Good luck to everyone and feel free to ask me any questions, if any!


@blueberryblues If you don’t mind me asking what was your GPA? I’m applying to Marshal as a sophomore and I’m a bit nervous. Thanks

Would like to second @Biker143 question. Im applying as a junior transfer to Marshall from a ccc non ttp and non legacy.

Hopefully :smile: , and that’s something I’ve never been called lol “a big man”. I’m literally physically the opposite of big, being a 6ft dude, weighing 125 lbs :laughing:.

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lmaooo same im 6’1 133lbs :skull:

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gotta love it. especially when you try to buy clothes gosh. having a size 27 waist makes it impossible to buy men’s pants. but I can’t change my high-metabolism :frowning: even though I eat like a monster.

Hi @Biker143, no. problem at all. Last year I had a 4.0 with 51 units completed and 19 in progress. I never received an SGR, but I uploaded my winter semester which was just one 3 unit class. When I finished my semester, I had a 4.0 for around 70 units that I completed in 2 years, not including 2 AP’s. Oh and I should add, I’m not TTP and non Legacy, in fact, I’m actually a first gen applicant.