2021-2022 USC Transfer

does anyone know if its allowed to send a third letter of recommendation?

Great post. Exactly what I wanted to say in response to all the posts about transcripts not posting, but you said it perfectly!

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Does anyone know if we have to complete both Global Perspective GEā€™s prior to transferring? Because I only satisfied one of them.

If weā€™re transferring as a sophomore from UCI, is sending the transcript through Parchment the correct method? Thatā€™s what it said on the UCI website but there still isnā€™t a checkmark on my USC portal.

iā€™m also transferring from uci (freshman rn) and i also sent my transcript from parchment over a week before feb 1, and itā€™s still not in my portal. like others have already said above, it takes a long time and we just have to wait, it will be in.

You do not have to complete all your GEā€™s prior to transferring, although it is beneficial and time saving to complete most of your GEā€™s before entering USC.

Hopefully, USC releases their decisions around mid-April just as they did previous years because waiting for decisions is the worst feeling ever.

Yup, looking at the last two years, Iā€™m hoping for April 1-20 ish for the first round acceptances. Waiting till May sounds like agony.

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Or worse, June July. I think itā€™s wild that a lot of safety schools require your deposit by May 1. However, we wonā€™t get notified of reach/dreams/priority schools till after the date. So, do I gamble? or do I lose the money? itā€™s a weird cycle of financial abuse.

Yes, it is just brutal. Last year, I got my denial on July 11th!

USC does guarantee that you decision is posted by June 1st and I believe they give you more than enough time to guarantee your spot if accepted.

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July 11th? Brutal Noodle!!! George Washington has a great policy program for what I want to do. Unfortunately , last year some decisions didnā€™t come out until July 18. Finding a place in DC in that time frame for fall is wild.

They may promise such, but look at past years posts. Many, including myself, did not hear back until mid-July. Since they donā€™t have a waitlist, they wait to see how many commit and then fill the spaces accordingly. It is brutal, but itā€™s USC, so itā€™s worth the pain.

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Notre Dame has a late transfer notification as well, I guess I like the Pain. USC, Notre Dame and GW all in June & July. I guess the way I see it, Brown and Princeton are before that so if I get absolutely crushed in May then June and July will offer some hope.

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Canā€™t you extend your deposist before commiting to a school? Like if I donā€™t hear from SC till July, canā€™t I ask UCSB (My safety school) for an extension for the deposit? Idk

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Oh wow. I never knew USC didnā€™t have a waitlist. Also, they should be upfront about their decision dates, rather than promising false hopes to applicants.

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Donā€™t forget, the CSS deadline for transfers is March 2. Donā€™t miss out.

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did u guys hear about USC giving out airpods for Marshall students in their acceptance letters. I heard it was for those that got the scholarship, I was just wondering if transfer students would be considered for the same scholarship. And if so would people receive later compared to the freshman applicants.

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Yeah, I heard about that on a2c, who knows.

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Transfers are only eligible for transfer scholarships. There are 40 of them for quarter tuition ($14,815). Marshall always gives cool gifts to the pres and trustee scholars they are trying to attract.

Post edit - remember that scholarships are merit based, there is still financial aid.

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