2021-2022 USC Transfer

ya i got an SGR May 4 and I applied for Marshall. But tbh i wouldn’t sweat it im pretty sure SGR comes out in waves and a lot of ppl get in without an SGR so u prolly chillin dw.


Hello everyone, just got home from spin class. I see some received SGRs this evening… again, I checked and sadly no movement on the application YET. However you are feeling about it just remember to keep doing you… WE ARE STILL IN THIS FIGHTING.


No SGR or news for me tonight. Here’s to hoping for tomorrow!!

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your positivity is the only thing keeping me sane


Hey! The majors that I chose to apply with are in Dornsife, and I received an SGR on May 4th around noon. Honestly, you are fine. I’m certain you are a very competitive applicant, and they will accept you or maybe you have been already accepted :slight_smile: do not worry. Praying for everyone in this forum to get in; In Jesus’ name, Amen


you are so sweet!!! thank you so much & i very much hope you get in as well!! amen


have you guys had similar experiences before? kinda scary :upside_down_face:

Bit of an oddly specific question here, but thought I might as well ask it. I’m a Sophomore Marshall applicant and I haven’t received an SGR. My spring grades (semester system) will be finalized May 12 and i plan on sending them in on the same day. Have there been situations in the past where students have sent in spring grades (without an SGR) and gotten results back within a couple days? I know I’ll get some sort of notification by May 31, but i wonder if my spring grades being sent in pretty early will make any difference.

Hello, I am not sure how helpful this is and I am sure that some of the more active members on this forum will try to help answer your question when they come on a little later, but even after being accepted students need to turn in their final transcript as soon as possible so I definitely think it would not hurt to turn yours in even if they had not requested. Maybe it might even make things go a little quicker like you had wondered

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Hi guys, I just wanted to cheer you all on and wish you good luck once again. I personally know someone last year who was accepted as late as a couple weeks before USC’s fall semester began and now she’s doing really well at USC. So don’t give up hope and don’t forget that you all have already achieved such amazing things no matter what happens! I can’t wait to celebrate with you all very soon:)


guys decision waves for non ttp might start tomorrow. good luck yall <3


omg how do you know?

just an assumption, since not much was heard back last friday.

so its like every Friday or something?

For years the pattern has been first wave, then a 10 day to 2 week break which yes, would mean tomorrow (Friday), IF they stick with their usual pattern. Here’s hoping, it’s been a bit of a whacky year (that’s an understatment) to predict anything.

what is the latest they have sent decisions in May (not including the sgr thing)

We have seen a good chunk come out around May 21st-22nd then the final group around the last Friday in May (aside for those with SGRs that don’t hear till after June 1).

Can I switch my intended school from Dornsife to other schools before my decisions came out? Do I simply contact the admissions committee?

It may be too late to do that, and I doubt they would.

It would also come off as indecisive to the admissions office. You don’t want any unwanted attention to your application, especially this late into the admissions process.

I’m not saying you can’t, if this is something you really want to do, go for it! Just be sure to provide a good explanation for wanting to switch. But like I said earlier, it may be too late. Good luck dude!

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Haha, thanks mate! They were asking for my spring semester grade two days ago and I was like why don’t I ask them to switch my intended major from dornsife to marshal.