2021-2022 USC Transfer

Same here


if the third wave is usually around the 20th, I think it should be sometime today or next week.

ah sweet, thanks!

i feel like they accepted the majorities already. now theyā€™re holding all the rejections.

No- this is not true. Acceptances keep coming out regardless of how late in the month it is. Very few people have received acceptances, and USC has said that they release in waves.


Nearly all the (very few) acceptances were TTP, why would you think that the majority were accepted while there are many ttp and non ttp waiting for decisions?


Today is 2 weeks since the 1st wave lol

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how do you know more ppl havenā€™t been accepted? you canā€™t go based off of how many people have commented on this forum. iā€™m sure hundreds have been accepted already.

Financial aid communicated to me that they have been told decisions will be released on May 31st

Because most of the people here are active followers of the numerous reddit threads, discord, this server and any other source that might give the slightest info. There are people looking at the past trends and people that have been helping here for years. We know that there is a first wave and then other ones up until may 31st. Considering we have only been through one out of many, it is only natural to assume there werenā€™t many acceptances

I agree, even in past years you can clearly see waves through the month of May and they were indeed acceptances. Research the trends from the past @ilikenutella1

Obviously we arenā€™t able to pinpoint the exact amount who have been accepted. Thatā€™s why many people use trends from previous years to calculate. As of right now, definitely many individuals may have heard back already, but it is likely that TTP applicants have heard back as they are more prioritized.


Again Helen, itā€™s a blanket statement. 31May IS the latestā€¦ You can hear anytime this month

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My application for the Topping Scholarship has officially been completed.

Wow time really flies by

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when your having FUNNNNNNNN!!! LOL

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do you need to complete 20 hours of community service per semester before applying?

is anyones AO nathan mack?

i dont think soā€¦ i think that is if you are awarded
you will need to complete the three steps before the 1st to be considered:

  1. the eligibility check
  2. application and essay prompts
  3. recommendation letter

hes mine! it used to be bruce grier but I think they changed it?