2021-2022 USC Transfer

Just got a reply from usc admissions…
“Transfer decisions will not be released until the end of the month.”

This was through their ig dm btw!

Mine is!

This is their blanket statement to everyone that continuously contacts them about admissions… I’m sure they’re telling you that so that people stop contacting them about it.


They switched AO’s around sometime ago. Mine is Nathan Mack too.

thank god. I was stressed cause the wording seemed a bit diff. Thanks!

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hes mine’s too and he replies very quick :relaxed:

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have u been in touch with him?

You’re welcome! There’s always people in here that mention that they’ve talked to the admission office and tell everyone what admissions said about decision dates, and most people in here know by now that they tell everyone something different to get people off the phone w/ the admissions team. Nothing is set unless if USC admissions officially posts about a specific date for the release of decisions.


Or they specifically say “no more waves this year cuz we can lol”


True. But they’re definitely not intending to tell us the truth. That’s mostly the point I was trying to make with my last post

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We have mentioned it multiple times in the last few weeks for sure that 31May is the latest date to receive a decision (decision=Accepted, Rejected, SGR) there will still be some even after that date but most of those after the date have been to follow up with a final decision on the applicants that were asked to submit SGRs. So if you have received an SGR thus far the 31 May date no longer applies to you (but you still can potentially hear back for a final decision on or before 31May) but technically USC does not have to because the SGR was the response given to you before the date and can technically wait until mid-July. But the sooner you turn in the SGR the sooner you will most likely hear back.

I hope this help with the confusion.

@creativetrailblazer I know I replied to you but this wasn’t necessarily meant for you… i KNOW YOU KNOW already lol


When checking my portal just now I could see my transfer portal was rejected last year on May 22nd.

We will all know something by the end of the month. Some will hear sooner but we will know for sure by the end of the month.
Fight on everyone! :v:

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From the past i saw May 20-22 was a good day for decisions to be made and I believe around the 15th-ish… also i saw 2 weeks after the 1st wave… a 2nd wave comes through which would be today… but again USC will send them out when they ready. They like to keep us sweating.

I am sorry to hear you were rejected last year but you are here now and there will be an acceptance with your name on it. What major did you apply for?

Our 2 sons re applying as transfers to Poli Sci and Film

Ah… gotcha… I hope it works out for both of them. :crossed_fingers:t4:

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Are there any facebooks or instagram pages for people looking for roommates as transfers?

i heard there were, not sure who posted they knew… just search the thread using the “magnify glass” (Note: make sure you check mark the box to only search this thread)

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