2021-2022 USC Transfer

Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well, it has been a long time since I have been on here. I just got a question. I got an SGR back in late April as a freshman Marshall applicant. I’m non-TTP/Legacy. My question is does anyone know if you can get accepted for the fall as a Marshall applicant especially if you aren’t TTP and have received an SGR? I’m probably going to send my final transcripts at the end of the month for my SGR. I’m just curious and it has been on my mind a lot lol. I wanna get involved with the school such as things with clubs, sports, rush and greek life, etc sooner rather than later if I get the opportunity. Any info is appreciated, thanks:)

I totally understand, no need to apologize! You might as well keep your post copied in case if a newcomer joins the forum and tells people they’ve called the AO team. Saves time and sanity!

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Hey guy! I’ve been lurking on this chat and decided to make an account. I applied as a psychology major with a 3.79 gpa (3 bs in anatomy, physiology and stats). My alternative major is sociology. My essays are a strong aspect to my application. Like many of you I’m waiting for decisions to roll out.



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A bunch. If you type in USC housing, a bunch of groups pop up on Facebook. On Instagram, there’s a transfers account called @ uscfall21transfers where you can find transfer students that are admitted and are looking for roommates

yeah! i applied to roski and 3 of their official accounts followed my ig art page lol… but they follow a LOT of people so i dont think it means anything.

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OMGGGGGG we’re literally in the same boat! I’m a sociology major with a 3.79 and a B in biology, C in stats. Keep in touch my friend, and good luck!

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Omg really? That’s insane. I’ve always wanted to start my own page but I’m so nervous

any sgr or decisions?

Omggg glad to know I am not alone! I seen in the older chats that you felt like it wasn’t a good gpa but it’s above average so don’t worry to much! It’s still competitive! Ofc!! I’ll keep in touch

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Looks like next week may be THE week, but I could be wrong

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yeah, crazy right!? i was also super nervous to start it…but at the end of the day, art is my passion and sharing it with others and using it to advocate for social justice or just to spread creativity, makes it even better. Some may like it and some may not…but thats just life haha. So dont be nervous, if you start it lmk!! #artistsupportingartists. :))

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I concur. I did start one up an hour ago, I’ve been thinking about it for a while but it can’t hurt me to be open about it. Pm me


Unfortunately, I think “the week” is probably going to be the third week of May. I thought they’d release some decisions today since it’s been two weeks since the last batch but I guess there’s nothing today. Historically, lots of transfer applicants received their admission decision on the third week of May.

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anyone have the link for the discord?

Discord here ya go

yeah you’re prob right

Hey guys Ive been seeing this in my portal for a while does it mean I have received a SGR?
I never received an email for one so im just a bit confused lol

no im pretty sure everyone has it


oh thank GAWD I was flipping for a sec