2021-2022 USC Transfer

Yeah, I am suspecting 20-21 May at this point.
GUT you failed me this week lol


@KendraVixLi I hear ya sister, me too, :slight_smile: I was really hopeful, but it does follow their week later mode with everything this year. Which should mean some good stuff next week. Unless of course (always hedging), they are just gonna do a mic drop on the 21st. Hope you guys get some before that!


I had my hopes up too. I keep forgetting that they must have a lot of applicants this year

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same i was hopeful that today was the day but ughhhhh more waiting :sob:

I was just asked by USC to upload a high school transcript showing the graduation date as soon as possible, and I requested my high school again. In fact, I uploaded the transcript that high school printed and sent me on February 5th. Does GPA in high school count a lot?

i told y’all they ain’t care about us


nah fr fr

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i’m gonna pass out


they’re liars TT /j

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If you have over a certain amount of credits your high school gpa won’t be a factor to admission. it’s just protocol to have high school transcripts

just finished finals week over here. most of my grades have been entered, and I am still waiting on two but I expect those two will be A’s and I will end with a 4.0 for this semester with 15 credits. If I send my unofficial spring semester transcript on Monday and I have not received an SGR, will this skip this step if they were planning to request for one, and would I know by 5/31 if I was admitted or rejected instead of given an sgr?

Absolutely, send in your grades as soon as you have them, especially when that good!

historically, do people who have gotten winter grade requests get spring grade requests as well? or is it typically either/or? Does anyone know??

Hi everyone I have a question. I received a spring grade request but my school doesn’t end for another couple weeks. Should I send my grades in now, just to show how I’m doing? Or wait until my grades are finalized on transcript?

I was planning to send for sure, but I was wondering if that will skip the SGR step and by 5/31 I would know the final decision instead of sgr

i think you wait until grades are finalized because it is usually sent in a form of a transcript.


Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Thank you :slight_smile: i spent the day doing homework and cleaning lol gotta love it

That’s a mom’s day!

Last year was 4th friday on May 22nd.