2021-2022 USC Transfer

Thank you sooo much!! Praying I get in!


I am from PCC and I have a friend who got SGR. She is a sophomore

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Nice! What is your major? and are you at freshman/sophmore standing rn?

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Got a SGR today! Marshall Sophomore transfer. Legacy no TTP, had A 4.0 in the fall. Calculus requirement met but Iā€™m working on English right now! Grades wonā€™t be finalized until June 5th.


hey you guys, those who got SGRs today continue working on your spring gradesā€¦ we are almost done so finish strong and present the best grades you can. Also, I know some people are not on the discord chat so I am taking the initiative to relay the messages so they can see there is movement.


Is it common for Junior transfers to not receive SGRā€™s

@_Virgil If all transfer requirements are complete for example Marshallā€™s Calculus and English requirement then yes itā€™s common for Juniors to get a decision without a SGR.


Great because I havenā€™t heard anything yet. I have all my major classes done and I am just working on language and Linguistics

For the most part, yes, because weā€™ve already had a year of college under our belt and most of us kicked out our requirements in order for USC to make a better decision with more insight regarding transcripts

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yoooo iā€™m legacy w/out ttp and applying to marshall as well! itā€™s good to see other people in the same boat as me omg

iā€™m a junior transfer tho no sgr or anything, but iā€™m hoping the best for us!! :smiley:

Thank you so much! My first choice major is Public Relations at Annenberg and then for my 2nd choice I put undecided at Dornsife. Iā€™m currently a freshman at Syracuse University so I would be going into USC for sophomore year! Also, I am a non ttp/non legacy.

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yo i dont even know if im a junior or sophomore transfer. I have like 45 semester credits done but planning on taking 15 in the summer. Whats good

Iā€™m in a similar situation as you man with Marshall, just without the legacy lol. Hope it all goes well!

Thank you! I was thinking the same thing because I think I completed all of my prerequisites so far.

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awesome thanks!

Price doesnt like us applicants apparentlyā€¦ LOL im kidding, i know the school is small so not many probably appliedā€¦ we are a small little stack in comparison to the other schoolsā€¦ I am throwing all the good vibes!!!

Your welcome! Wishing you the best of luck!!!

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Coming from someone who has finished 47 credits as of now, you sound like a junior transfer, which would make you a current sophomore (?) Do you know if your school has an articulation agreement with USC? Because it depends on whether or not most of your units will transfer

It seems that my community college does not have an articulation agreement with USC. Will I be ok?

Have you asked your AO? Or checked on the USC admissions faq page? I wouldnā€™t know the answer to this.

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