2021-2022 USC Transfer

thanks man! I did a full year at SDSU so yes there’s an articulation agreement… but I switched to community college (during covid) with no articulation agreement. Also switched from semesters to quarters which is unbelievably confusing.

Wow. That really must be hard. Bc quarters are shorter than semesters. If you check the articulation agreement with your previous school, try to see what courses you’ve taken will transfer over. And also it may help to contact you AO about not having an articulation agreement to work off of.

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This is what I found im gonna email my AO today.

Articulation agreements just help them determine what will be able to transfer over if your college is nearby Usc. I think it would definitely help to talk to your AO. They may be able to answer this

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thank you!

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thanks mate, best of luck to you!!!

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Same to you as well!

I am nervous. I didn’t realize there were prerequisites for transfer students. I am a psych major who would transfer in as a sophomore. I have 4 years of math plus more as a freshman, so that requirement is taken care of. However, I had college credit for taking ACP in HS, so I didn’t have to take comp as a freshman in college. Do you all think that will suffice as my writing credit? I don’t see where it states exactly what class they want to see to fulfill the “writing” prerequisite. Can anyone help?

You should contact your Admissions officer just to make sure.

as @_Virgil said I would contact your AO but are you at a California College? or are you out of state?

They told me they’re able to waive the writing requirement for you to take at USC if admitted. Maybe you can ask for a waiver?

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Let’s say someone’s gpa as a high schooler was over 4.0, and they applied with a 4.0 as a college sophomore transfer as well - is there a possibility USC won’t want an SGR?? Anyone know ? I just feel as if everyone I know that’s a sophomore transfer received an SGR… then again, it’s only May 11th. Ahhh i don’t know!

Thank you all for your response! I TOTALLY forgot that I got an actual college transcript for my dual credit class I took and was able to upload it. It was ENG 136, so I’m sure they have to count it. Thank you all for your help and advice!

I had above a 4.0 weighted in high school (if you’re counting AP courses) and I’m applying with a 4.0 as a sophomore and I haven’t received an SGR either!

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Out of state. I forgot about my college transcript for the course so I found it and uploaded it. It was ENG 136, so I should be fine. I attached a letter as well. Thank you for your help!

Plenty are accepted, including soph transfers, without an SGR.


same!! I was so worried. Makes me feel calm to know we’re in this together hahaha

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Awesome!! Thank you

I got a WGR in late April submitted it with in the same day. Does anyone know if I’ll receive my admissions sooner? The only info I can find on admissions decisions are for people who got a SGR

Articulation agreements are only with California colleges. Rest should use “Articulation history” it shows which courses were transferred by students in the past. Should be a great guide

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