2021-2022 USC Transfer

Has anybody’s High School Transcript been both received and processed and has it showed up on your USC Portal. USC has received all my stuff except for my High School Transcript, and I sent my High School Transcript the same time I sent my College Transcripts (around mid-Jan.), so it’s odd that USC has not already processed my High School Transcript yet. Although, it seems as if Transfer Applications are not their top priority as of right now, but it still is taking a while and that worries me a bit.

My high school transcript was mailed at the end of January (28th or 29th) and my college transcripts were sent mid January but so far only my mailed hard copy transcript has been received, it was received on the 26th and posted to my account. Im anxious as well since that transcript went through the mail and still managed to show on my account faster then my electronic transcripts (that still haven’t been downloaded).

Has anyone else’s college transcript been processed yet? My high school transcript has been processed but not my college transcript.

Yes, mine has. I sent it in January and they received it February 1st.

my high school one was fast but my college one took over 5 weeks to show up in the portal

Same. My high school transcript was emailed to the USC transcript email around the same time, but I also still have my high school transcript yet to be processed.

Wow, the mailed hard copy took faster than the electronic transcripts? That probably explains why my high school transcript has not been processed yet cause it was emailed to USC in mid January and they still haven’t processed it. Although, my college transcript was sent directly from my current university to USC electronically also in mid January and that was processed like three days ago.

Do you guys think USC will go in-person in the Fall of 2021? I’m kinda doubting it especially since California, especially Southern California isn’t doing so well right now.

Yeah made me think I should have sent hard copies of my college transcripts. Maybe since less people use “snail mail” now it is processed faster than those sent electronically. Especially since i’m sure most schools who had previously “outdated” methods have now switched to more tech advanced systems due to COVID.

anybody sending a transcript from smc? i took a class at smc during my junior year of high school and i had to send that to usc. i have received email and everything that it is delivered, however it is the only transcript that isn’t showing up on my portal (high school and current university ones are received). i was wondering if it’s just smc transcripts that take long. tbh i feel like it’s normal and i should just wait.

I submitted my transcripts from SMc and it said they were delivered jan 12th yet on my portal it is showing as “awaiting”. I’m gonna wait till March 12th if it doesn’t get received by then gonna have to find a way to get It to USC!

They’ve already announced that they will be opening the campus by Fall 2021 for the most part.


Yeah I just saw that. Hopefully it’ll happen, although nothing is ever certain with this pandemic…

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how do we update if our class plans for the spring changed? a class that i said i would take isn’t offered in spring anymore.

I had the same question, I believe you just send your transcripts again and also notify your admission counselor.

i get notifying your counselor part, but why send the transcripts again (winter quarter hasn’t even ended, so spring classes won’t even be there)?

I believe when you send your transcripts it shows the classes that you will be taking in future(Spring). My community college is on a semester timeline so by resending my schedule they’ll have the classes that weren’t noted before.

I also messaged USC on Insta to confirm and they told me to resend the transcripts.

oh ok wow that’s an inconvenience (money and time). It sucks for us quarter students because some of us haven’t even signed up for spring classes yet. also they want us to report winter grades by ourselves on the portal, i wish they did the same where we could upload an updated document of our spring classes.

yeah its a strange system because I know the UC’s allow the ability to update your courses without having to send a transcript every time.