2021-2022 USC Transfer

i’m at a uc right now and i don’t see/am not aware of the updating transcript option. maybe u may know more? plz lmk

I am a student at the University of Georgia and applied to USC as a JUNIOR transfer can @CADREAMIN chance me…I’ve been reading your posts since high school

HS GPA: 3.8
UGA GPA: 3.4
EC: Clubs, Founder of my own business, job experience and multiple internships
Solid essays in my own personal opinion
Second time applying to USC and second time applying to Annenberg
Accepted into Santa Clara thus far with incentive based scholarship

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I’m obviously not @CADREAMIN, but if you look at the middle 50% GPA in college for transfer students on USC’s website that were admitted in 2020-2021, it was between 3.70 - 4.0, which is fairly high. I do think your GPA has to be within these ranges in order to even be considered/competitive to get offered maybe an acceptance. Also, since you are a junior applicant, your college GPA matters even more.

For anyone wondering, I emailed USC admissions recently and they said they’re working on the transcripts sent late January right now so if you sent any of your transcripts during that time period and they have yet to be processed on your USC portal, do not fret. :slight_smile:

I feel like it’s worth noting that UGA is an impressive highly ranked 4 year institution and being in good standing is worth something.

I’m not undermining the university you’re coming from. Ultimately, USC doesn’t care about your university or how bad or good it is. They want to see that you did stellar at your university, and that’s why they should accept you into their university so you will do equally, or even better at USC. That’s why GPA is so important (regardless of how high or low ranked your univ/college is). I know people who have had similar GPA’s to you and have applied from very elite universities, yet have not been offered an acceptance at USC. But at the same time, I’m not here to say you won’t have a good chance. To be honest, no one will be able to chance you if you’ll be able to get in or not because the whole admissions selecting process is not clear-cut, so I would not try to contemplate on whether you have a good chance or not. Whatever happens will happen, and you did your best so try not to worry about the inevitable or the things you can’t change.

Hey guys I am a freshman at San Jose State University and ended with a 3.81 my first semester and currently am in my second semester and have a 4.0 right now but I will probably end with a 3.88 by the end of the semester. My essay was pretty strong according to counselors and I applied for marshall as my first choice and dornsife econ as my second choice major. Do you guys think I have a good chance at gaining admission to USC? If someone could respond that would be super helpful because I am kinda stressed I might not be qualified haha! Thank you!

I stated this previously in this forum, but the middle 50% GPA in college for transfer students on USC’s website that were admitted in 2020-2021 was between 3.70 - 4.0, so just by GPA alone you’re in the range of being competitive. I will note that Marshall is one of the harder schools to get into at USC, but your application seems to be competitive by the standards of the previous transfer admits that got into USC.

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Can we please not turn this into a “chance me” forum. It’s ridiculous and not constructive to be here bogging down the message board while trying to assuage everyone’s anxiety with “chance me” stuff.


my bad u right

If we all applied, we all feel like we have some chance of getting in. However, its such a crap shoot we cannot be prognosticating about a process that zero of us have any impact upon. You are all superstars and everyone here is going to do amazing things regardless of the decisions that come out. Much love to the whole thread.


You have all heard (ad nauseam) that USC is holistic and I cannot emphasize enough how true that is. Yes, the mean gpa for transfers is about 3.7 but that also means there are plenty of people below (and above) that. Those below have presented a cohesive application that likely shows themes in their life and education, with an emphasis on progress and passion. They love to see students getting better each year, but they also love an application that comes together…the student that learned a life lesson, that prompted learning and/or action but is most importantly able to present that in an essay that ties to what all their intentions and purpose will bring to USC. It’s more than a 4.0 and telling them how great USC is (they know that).

So yes, chance me’s can be a waste of time and even more so at a school as holistic as USC. But everyone wants to know they have a shot, and frankly, everyone does. But without seeing your entire package - essays and all, there is no way to give someone an idea based on scores and a list of activies. At some schools, chance me is easy and they can be good indicators. But a 3.2 applicant that shows dedication and drive and is exactly the piece they need to help complete a puzzle of the class they want, can blow away a 4.0 that just applies on their stats with no heart. They turn away thousands of 4.0’s and people with 99 percentile scores/stats every year. They are a dime a dozen. But if you show them your passion, soul, and committment behind your achievements and goals, and via your essays can exude the value you will bring to your USC community and beyond - but just happen to have a lower gpa - you can fly by those above the mean.


How do you check your status of getting in your CSS profile and Fafsa? Or do you just submit and that’s all.

Well said, if you want to post chance me’s I believe reddit r/chanceme or start a new cc forum would be the way to go about it

when did the transfer hear back last year? anyone have a date or a rough estimate of when we will hear our admission decisions?

Do you need the FAST account? I have submitted the FAFSA and CSS profile.

Many applicants by the middle to the end of May should have an admission letter or be asked to send in a spring grade transcript if they need more grade information so you might have to wait until the end of the school year.

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The USC transfer website says all students will be notified by the end of may , whether it’s admission decisions or a spring grade request. is it normal to be notified after may?

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so u will either get a decision by the end of may or a spring grade request. if u get a spring grade request, yes ur decision will be after the end of may since most school wrap up their spring quarter/semester in june. but by the end of may u should receive either a decision or spring grade request for sure.

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Yes, I would check it. Your FAST can be found on your applicant portal. I finally have my fin aid in Review. I would have had no idea of the additional documents needed if it wasn’t for this thread. Lot’s of smart cookies here.