2021-2022 USC Transfer

Does anybody happen to know if USC is planning to mail acceptance packages for admitted transfers this year, or if it’ll be an email / portal update like last year was? Thanks & good luck y’all!!


Also, does USC tend to accept a lot of undecided transfers? Can’t find any info on this online. I applied first-choice Media Arts & Practice, but picked undecided dornsife as my 2nd choice. Is getting in as undecided likely, or did I make a mistake in not declaring a different major for my backup?

@USCDREAMING1 Good luck! I know I said chance me’s can be tough to do for a school like USC, but I understand applicants are looking for any kind of feedback while they go through this horrible waiting period…While 3.7 is the mean gpa, a 3.4 from a four year like UGA def keeps you in the running and since you are applying a second time, the commitment of that always looks good. If your ECs compliment your goals, they are looked at more favorably, in light that ECs are less important for transfers. If you nailed the essays and have the appropriate classes done, you have a solid chance. Hopefully you were able to weave everything together into a compelling tale. Will be watching for you!

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No one really knows if they will be mailing admissions packages out but because the campus isn’t fully open, I would expect not to receive a physical package unless if they indicate that they will be doing it this year, which has not happened so far. I would like one too, as all of us would, but it doesn’t seem promising.

In answer to this question, I don’t think they openly disclose a specific number of undecided transfer students, but they have indicated recently that they do accept undecided transfer students. I think it mainly depends on whether or not you are taking enough transferable courses/credits and are deemed as a good fit for the school as an applicant. I myself listed my second choice major as open/undecided like you, and I’m not too worried that something bad will happen. Hope this helped in some way. Good luck to you as well!

Transfers getting second choice major is unlikely, not sure they ever do that (pretty rare for freshman applicants as well, they tend to get undecided more than second major). Additionally, transfers don’t have time to go in undecided like a freshman does. So either of those scenarios for transfers don’t happen or are highly unlikely. So not putting a second major is fine, also says you are simply committed to the first choice.

Is Viterbi harder to transfer in than the other schools?

Yes Viterbi is super competitive. But so is SCA - and any of the other schools whose acceptance rates are lower than the overall USC rate.

Which schools are lower than the overall and which are higher?

SCA hovers around 4% or less. Viterbi has been 8-9% or lower for awhile. Those are the ones that have always been lower. Certain majors within other schools are less than the 11-16% acceptance range over the last 2-3 years. Probably others, just not coming to mind…watching 90 day Fiancé, so distracted ha.

Have there been cases when transfer students found out their admission decisions around mid March?

no, not even regular decision freshmen’s find out this early and they submitted their application 1 month before us. i’d say the earliest i have seen was 1st week of april, usually TTP students (from previous threads).

Are those the acceptance rates for freshmen or transfers? Also does Viterbi admit women at a higher percentage?

Viterbi is 50/50 male female


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No, not mid March ever for transfers.

Those were freshman rates, you can do some math from the transfer profile to guesstimate some figures, although you don’t know how many apply to each school, just what % of overall acceptances the different schools take.


where would i upload my updated planned classes for spring? some classes changed from the original document i sent because of availability. i also don’t see a category to upload it in the application portal? any thoughts?

Hey guys! I am a frequent lurker, but I wanted to post on here to give some of you guys solace in regards to the “received” official documents. I submitted my application, along with all the official documents on Jan. 31st. I waited anxiously to see that damn red check mark turn green- but to no avail, until yesterday (March 6th). I was so worried I did not send them correctly because my California Community College provided no help to those transfer students applying to private schools. I called USC admissions office two weeks ago asking if they received my documents and was met with a rude lady who said “transfer applicants are least priority, they’ll show up soon.” I was so incredibly nervous I sent them incorrectly, but yesterday my Official College transcript was marked as “received”. Although my high school still says “awaiting”, I received an email from Parchment noting that it was received by USC two days ago. So I’m sure it will be marked as “received” soon. Am I the only one that found the Common Application to be very confusing and hard to navigate for transfer students?? I found the UC application to be much easier, and if I did have any questions they were readily available to help me. I did not find that help with the Common App. Anyways, peace and love to you all. May this grueling waiting process go by fast lol.


Yeah my transcripts were also received by USC yesterday, so it was very satisfying to see the red x mark turn into a green check.

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my uc transcript and high school is in (sent from parchment) but my smc transcript (sent at the same time on 25th Jan) aren’t in yet. anyone having the same problem?