2021-2022 USC Transfer

lmao give it till 4 something. 4 something is when the withdraw button usually disappears lol. Just chill if not there are more waves to come

apparently people who applied to CS withdraw button is gone as well

no mines still there too im just trying to not freak out lol. Im guessing their gonna send out decisions by major

lol donā€™t say that, the vast majority if not all of the dornsife people i know still see the withdraw button. They come out on a rolling basis, you might not know your decision until tomorrow or later so chill. Even if you canā€™t see your withdraw button that simply means that you can expect a decision, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a rejection. It could be an acceptance.

goooood luck. focus on your exam. whatever happens happens, so no need to worry about things that havenā€™t even occurred yet.

what is CS?

I think computer science

by withdrawal button are you all referring to the link under withdrawal application?

oh ok I thought it was by schools. dornsife, viterbi, marshall etc.


it looks like a few more people are starting to notice their withdrawl buttons disappear some people are definitley finding out today im so excited for you guys!!! most likely an acceptance if it is this early!!! early congrats!!

and it is only 2pm by 4pm we should a big wave of withdrawl buttons disappear so around 5ish lets pray for good news.


wait does the button disappear for sure

from passed forums 100%%%

@Pixiebloom We love your input and are glad you are here! Good luck to your son!

This is a public forum and we should all be welcoming and supportive to fellow posters whether students, parents, friends - everyone! Our differences in experience (or lack of) and knowledge (or lack of) keep it interesting and helpful.

I feel so happy we are finally in the midst of admission decisions!! nerve racking too but mostly happy, I am confident if it is meant to be it will!


Wishing everyone the best of luck. These next few weeks are about to get wild

Everyone here is deserving of admission and Iā€™m positive everyone has a bright future ahead of them.

Iā€™m still waiting to hear back from USC. Withdraw button is still there, hopefully other Annenberg applicants donā€™t have to wait any longer


@Pixiebloom you did not have to explain yourself. You were just expressing your daughterā€™s experience and the information you gathered to come to your conclusion. You have been so supportive and I enjoy hearing opinions in regards to the other schoolsā€¦ I am sure anyone who is considering both colleges in the future would value that information. Though, I am USC or bust, I donā€™t personally need to know but this forum isnā€™t about one personā€¦ itā€™s about everyone and we should allow information to flow freely. Thank you for the insight. :slight_smile: and THANK YOU for rooting for @_Virgil and me on our acceptanceā€¦ GOOD VIBES HERE!!!

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Have there been actual people within this forum who have had their withdrawal buttons already disappear?

im saying I heard of a few on the discord but thats it

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