2021-2022 USC Transfer

My California CC transcript is in, but not my university one which was sent the same day. I’m sure they will be in before too long.

Hey !
Did u receive the smc notification email saying the transcripts were downloaded yet ?

i’m not sure, i got an email 2 days later after ordering them that it was received by the recipient, but it’s kinda odd because it’s been over a month and 10 days since that email came in and it still says awaiting on the portal (every other transcript from High School and UC has been received). I sent it to this location since there were multiple on smc’s software: Undergraduate Admissions Univ of Southern California 3601 S Flower Rm 112…

Did u also send it there?

I sent it to etrans@usc.edu
There were some problems so i sent it like mid- Feb but I just got the email saying that my transcript was downloaded yesterday loll

i didn’t have that option to send it to the etrans@usc.edu. my method was also electronic. i don’t know why i didn’t see that option on the smc transcript software.

I believe that address is for Graduate students. This is the correct address you should have sent it to:

USC Office of Admission
University Park Campus
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0911

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it now shows on my portal lol phew


Hey guys, is USC rolling admission?

Undergraduates can send electronic transcripts to etrans@usc.edu. It’s on their website and I also asked my advisor from USC. They said because of the pandemic, it is the preferred method also. Although, I requested that my high school send my transcript, but my portal still does not show that it is processed and I sent it mid-January…

No. Just because you send your application earlier does not at all mean you get an acceptance earlier. The earliest you can hear back is mid-April, although this is usually for TTP applicants or stellar, top of the class transfer applicants. Beyond that, expect to hear around the beginning of May. They claim to send all decisions by June 1st, but since they have no waitlist, they may prolong this deadline if they do not have an initial high enrollment rate and need to accept those that were on the borderline of being accepted/not being accepted.

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Did you personally send your transcript to USC to etrans@usc.edu. I asked my high school to send my official high school transcript around mid-Jan and my portal has still not updated to show the transcript being received and processed. Although, I did email admissions and they said the documents sent mid to late jan. were being processed now.

yea that also is the other way to send your transcript. The person who I replied too sent it to the wrong address, so I was just helping them out and I know some colleges or high schools don’t have an option to send it electronically!

it wasn’t the wrong address, my transcript system didn’t have the option to send it to etrans@usc.edu. so i emailed my counselor and asked if it was okay to send it to:

USC Office of Admission
University Park Campus
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0911
(electronic transcript)

they said it was ok and it showed up on my portal yesterday. bottom line: just give it time it will show up soon.

Results can come out as early as first week in April, but usually between first and second week, and you will see it in waves by schools. Marshall and Dornsife get rolling in the early wave. Viterbi tends to be at the later end of the waves with first results in later April or May. You will get an answer or SGR by June 1st, some people don’t hear because their quarter or semester doesn’t end until mid June, and they need to send in the grades for that period. We have seen even 4.0’s not hearing until mid June, so it is not done in “best to last” fashion. First it is holistic, and the spots in the schools drives the results. Some TTP’s hear very close to regular admission results, and other TTPs can find out at the tail end as well.

I would expect there to be no slack in people committing (yield) as everyone is anxious to get to college this fall. Also note, there will be little, if any, housing for transfers. That is typical every year, but would expect more pressure on housing this fall as they accomodate everyone that wants on campus housing in the rising freshman class and new freshman coming in. There is no housing guarantee for sophomore transfers, although there is for rising sophomores that are USC freshman. So it can be good to get familiar with options in the area. When/if things open up, as expected this fall, lots will be in need of outside housing. Fingers crossed everyone can get back to campus in August.


Notification for TTP students can range from the first wave to late July. The GPA requirement for TTPers is for the full academic year, not just the fall semester. In the past, some 4.0 TTPers were admitted early, while others receive a SGR. Sometimes it depends on what school you are applying to and what the standard non-TTP transfer class looks like. It can be frustrating as there are no hard and fast rules and there is lots of variability. About the only thing that is certain is you are highly likely (basically guaranteed) to gain admissions to USC (not necessarily your first choice major) if you meet the TTP requirements.

@CADREAMIN i know transfer housing is competitive, what would be my options though as an incoming sophomore (on campus and off campus)? i’m only aware of the lorenzo and gateway for off-campus. what would be similar options on-campus? where can transfers live?

Does the upload tab for unofficial transcripts let you turn in multiple times ?
For my spring grades, I will have 2 transcripts from different institutions. They both will be out different times too. If i get SGR, can I turn both in or I have to choose one ?

@KyawCR7 You will have to see if they have any housing options available for transfers when accepted and when you are allowed to complete the housing app. No sense in figuring out choices inside of USC, there won’t be many and they would just assign even if you are able to list a preference, as it is plugging holes at the point transfers are assigned, if there are any spots (as everyone already at USC wanting housing has already applied). Housing that may have been know to have some transfers may change with this whole covid thing stirring the pot. So basically you take what you get if offered. I would start learning the areas outside of USC and check some of the bigger property management companies that have a lot of USC housing like First Choice Housing.

On the topic of spring grades. I’m anticipating an SGR, some of my other colleges are requiring midterm reports- could I upload a midterm report as unofficial spring grades through the portal? Would this in any way help me get a decision rather than an SGR?

Do I need to send an updated spring course list?