2021-2022 USC Transfer

Ha ha me too! Nice to see a Columbia applicant on here too!!

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It is okay!! you will get into USCāœŒļø

USC is my last decision . So disappointed. 6/7 decisions were rejections with a 4.0 college transcript as an URM.

Sorry, I meant USC is my last decision.

Which other schools did you apply too? and do not feel upset about it! You will end up where you belong- at usc

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Columbia, Brown, UPenn, Yale, NU and Stanford. Crazy odds, I know, but man, I was still hopeful.

Hopefully we will hear back good results tonight! Just a couple more hours!


I got my SGR on 5/11, so Iā€™m not so sure Iā€™ll hear today. Plus, I still have my ā€œwithdraw applicationā€ option on my portal. What do you guys think?

Did not get SGR even though i was taking Calc 1 for Marshall this semester. So weird

The very important reality I had to accept last night, is that regardless of what happens - today or next week - I tried my best, and I know I busted my ass off to get where I am and, truthfully thatā€™s the most important thing for me.

Iā€™m gonna change the world and thatā€™s why I have my heart set on USC as a conduit for that process, but if it doesnā€™t happen Iā€™m not giving up; Iā€™m going to explore another avenue to get to my goal. And I really hope others feel the same way!


A 3.5 from UCI is terrific! Well done!

That positive and can-do attitude will carry you anywhere in life!


How I wish this world had more people like you!

you got thissss!!

So have we decided that this withdrawal button disappearing is a myth?

Wassup guys

my guess is that its a myth

when i heard back exactly one year ago (and got rejected lol) the withdrawal button never disappeared.

i mean idk why they would lie many of em said it did

I guess all we can do is wait for an email notification.