2021-2022 USC Transfer

I’m acquainted with some of the Kaufman students, so I definitely tuned in. It was indeed amazing what they managed to pull off.

lol lets hope my 3.5 from uci gets me in


Gabii, is that you from discord? I’ll be praying for you ^-^

yess it is! praying for you too!

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:heart: :heart: :heart:

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Hey all. I got a SGR for Viterbi on 05/17, when they sent a lot out. My final grades just got inputted today, and I sent in my unofficial transcript with my Spring grades this morning. Does anyone know how long I should roughly expect to wait now? Will it definitely be past the 05/31 date?

Also, I took 18 units (chem, calc iii, matlab, engl, statics, intro to aero) and got a B in chem, leaving me with a 3.72 gpa for the spring sem, and a 3.86 overall. If anyone had to guess, how much of an impact will this B have? I’m an aerospace major, so chemistry isn’t really a major course I would think… Just kinda nervous on this.

I know today will be a big day for a lot of you, so Good Luck and Fight On! Hoping to see a lot of excited ‘Accepted’ posts on this forum later today :slight_smile:

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Likely, it will be past 5/31. Usually, it takes roughly 2-3 weeks for them to arrive at a final decision after receiving your unofficial grades, so expect anything from early June to mid June. An SGR is usually specific; I don’t think a B in Chem would set you back, especially if it’s not a major course. You should be fine, good luck!

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If decisions come out today, at what time would it be?

5:15pm PST, around that time.

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by chance i’m right around the corner from usc with my usc apparel… hoping this might help haha

God I wish I had the confidence that you guys had lol, but after being rejected several times in a row I really can’t afford to both literally and figuratively

I hope it does help!

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I really feel you. During senior year I was waitlisted and rejected by my top schools and ended up at my current university which I never saw myself at. I only applied to USC, so I have no other options and really want to get accepted but hard to be hopeful after getting rejected before.


still have that withdrawal button

I applied to like 46 universities my senior year because I did not want to attend the school next door and still ended up at the school next door LOL, all the app fees were free at least. Was extremely disappointed when I had to turn down admission to UMass at Amherest tho

Hopefully we get our second chance today when admission results come out. Good luck everyone!


if the big wave is today, is it normal to receive a decision after today or do they only come out in huge chunks during certain days?

Just got a rejection from another school lol. I hope USC can reconcile that today :v:


Yes it is normal to receive decisions apart from days where the bulk of decisions come out. It isn’t even guaranteed that today will be the start of the wave of decisions. But hopefully it is.

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apparently Columbia released decisions (they had a may 30th deadline) so hopefully USC does too

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Haha yeah i can attest to that. I got rejected :joy: