2021-2022 USC Transfer

huge congrats for chapman! i’ve never been on campus but the pictures of it look so nice! i’m glad that at least your 1st choice is secured bc wow boy does my last decision have everything bet on it lol. but no fs even if i didn’t have such a huge usc influence on me growing up i’d def be curious too haha, wishing you another W with usc!! :smiling_imp:

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Anyone else think decisions will be pushed until next week?

ooh do you know if big 4 is big at uci for consulting lol? I want to go to USC because one of the perks is that Big 4 is prolific on campus, want to go into Human Capital :stuck_out_tongue:

I committed to Cal-Poly Pomona back in April 1st since that was the SIR deadline for Cal states. I only applied to those two schools, CPP and USC. I know I’m going to bummed out if I get rejected from SC but I’m more than happy that I got into CPP. Ever since I attended orientation and found out more about their Architecture program I’m starting to feel it’s a perfect match for me as well. Both schools are great for my major, both have good connections, CPP might even be a better option in my situation but I honestly just want to get into SC. It’s been my dream since senior year of high school.

Very likely yes. I think next week (Thursday and Friday) will be our biggest bets, because the 31st is on a Monday and a holiday (but historically USC have favored Thursday, Friday, and Monday, so it is still possible).

Another week of waiting here we go again love it


Thanks! :relaxed: Yeah same here, Chapman has always been my number one and somehow I got in. USC was also a close second for me which is why im still anxiously waiting because USC is also hella awesome. Sorry about not getting into Chapman but hey i have major faith in you! you got this!

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i actually have no idea unfortunately… i did not want to be tempted to go to uci after my aid package LOL and since i didn’t do calc 1 & 2, i did not get in for 1st choice biz admin (my school requires biz calc to graduate w a biz admin associate’s so i just did that) sorry i couldn’t be more help :sweat:

i’d def look around on older cc forums, that’s how i picked up on ucsb being a feeder school n went from there!

Thanks! Yeah I havent been on campus either. Planning to go soon, it looks beautiful! I really hope you get into USC! I know you can do this! And thanks! yeah I hope I get into USC too!

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Do you guys think USC accepted the majority of their transfer class on the first wave on April 23rd… And like the rest of us are just like on the bench waiting to get accepted. But at the same time, I doubt that’s possible cause there are so many top applicants that still haven’t heard back.

are feeder schools beneficial?

I think feeder school is interchangeable with a “target” school

And yes, they are, because that is where these firms invest the most time and effort recruiting.

SMC reppin :metal::rainbow:


you’re so sweet omg :sob: hope your visit goes well (should be nice since there shouldn’t be too many people lol) and i’m manifesting good things for the both of us!! :smiley:

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Congratz on getting in to Cal-Poly Pomona!! Thats awesome! Really hoping you get into USC too!

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Since the 31st is Memorial Day that means next Friday around this time…everyone will have most likely heard back from USC :flushed::sob:

i would say they are because while the getting hired part is all on you, going to a feeder with on-campus recruiters at least gets your foot in the door and your name out there^^ but of course it’s not a make or break thing!

ahh apparently Pasadena cc and SMC is a feeder school for usc JDNCWEDNK I go to PCC but but not sure if going a feeder school is actually beneficial

I had a handful of friends transfer to USC last year I hope that is my case this year

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and of course, whether or not you take advantage of those opportunities haha