2021-2022 USC Transfer

Thank you! :slight_smile:

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They said that they would be releasing the decisions by the 31st which is on the same day as Memorial day because we are all going to die from having to wait this long before receiving our decisions anyways

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I hope we find out next week and not the 31st…even though it is a holiday who knows

They won’t wait till the 31st, no way. Thursday or Friday if not earlier, they will be down to business on Monday.


Does that mean results could come out on the 24th, Monday?

We are all off on Monday the 31st as staff, likely Friday at the latest.

Hi! I applied to USC as a junior transfer from a CCC. I applied to Marshall as first choice and dornslife as second. I screwed up my first year of CC and my GPA is a 3.58, however my essays were pretty good and I have a lot of volunteer hours and work (one being in a third world country). Im taking the calc requirement this spring and should have all A’s in my six classes… do I have a chance or should I commit to a UC i am getting nervous.

The multi day graduation ceremonies were a big deal with most units and schools being very busy with preparations and support. Unique situation this year.

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Which UC were you admitted to. I am in a similar situation i’m also a CCC applicant applying to USC Marshall. Im gonna commit to UCI on the 29th or 30th of May if I don’t hear back from USC. Remember USC is very holistic with their process so don’t count yourself out just yet! good luck!!!

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Alright guys its officially 9:00 so nothing for tonight then smh


Fingers crossed for monday I guess

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it’s still 6pm in Hawaii though, right?

Thank you for looking out for the applicants here :bowing_woman: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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You are the kind of person who will rock wherever they land! This being said: Come on USC!

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Congratulations! Well done! I really liked Chapman (and the cute town) when we toured it 2 years ago for freshman admission.

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hey guys! sorry to change the subject immediately :,) anyone know that if one gets admitted to usc without the sgr, they still need to submit their spring grades to usc?

Thank you so much for those kind words!

Thanks! I was really excited when I found out (still am :slight_smile: ) and I can’t wait to see the campus!

Yes, they obviously need to confirm that you graduated and that you actually earned the grades that you did, and that is via sending the official final transcript.

hmm I’m not entirely sure, but based on pretty much every other university I believe you will have to submit your Spring 2021 grades. I think as long as you don’t get any D’s, F’s, or drop any significant classes, you should be fine. If they don’t ask for SGR you got accepted for the grades you submitted. As long as they don’t see a significant grade drop I think you will be okay. I’d still try my best in all my classes just to be safe. Those good grades always give you that feeling of satisfaction at the very least :slight_smile: