2021-2022 USC Transfer

it makes sense for regular admission to be record breaking considering that the SAT/ACT were waived/optional

Ah yes it is for regular admits, but for transfers someoneā€™s AO said that they received less this year :man_shrugging:


Likely related to remote working, return to campus planning (freshman and sophomore classes are both first time on campus in the Fall) and the elongated graduation. A lot is happening to get the campus prepared for a Fall return.

donā€™t you think they will want to accept less lol since they received fewer applicants?

Either way I hope they accept more lol if they accept 1/3 instead of their usual 1/4 imma feel more confident about my app lol


From what I remember I heard that USC tends to give the big envelope first before giving out digital acceptances, correct? Or is that just an urban tale

nah digital first

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Itā€™s not necessarily a matter of preserving their low acceptance rate, so much as it is to fill the space that they have left for transfer applicants. They specifically say that the reason why they few freshmen is to have room for more transfers, which means theyā€™re not the type institution to want to accept less for the sake of competitiveness alone. I donā€™t think they will admit any less than 20% this year.


whew ok we love to hear den. Monday hopefully we will find out our fate :crossed_fingers:t5:


Love USC for this :heart:


Yeah, I believe that every year new students comprise 66-75% freshmen and 25-33% transfers.

I am sure USC is one of the very few schools who are considerate and they truly care about the students

I know everything is just guessing and speculation rn buuttt, since admissions are obviously coming out significantly later than last year how do you guys think this affects the smaller schools? Last year like Marshall was released on the 21st and smaller programs like Keck followed a few days laterā€¦ if the bigger programs are coming out around the 28th thennnnn ?? It could all come out at once too, again I know we are just guessing but I want to hear your guys predications lol

Last year, my friends and family were accepted to Dornsife, Marshall, Viterbi, and Annenberg from the 21st-29th. Many of the rejections came at the tail end. Spring grade requests for all schools were resolved on July 10th. These are results from around 18 students. def not the majority

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I think that the majority of decisions will roll from Monday to Friday of next week, so there will be a lot more activity on this forum then. We probably wonā€™t have to wait until the very end of next week. (Hereā€™s hoping)


Seeing as so few people heard back from USC, it is most likely decisions will roll out through the week. Hopefully we have many acceptances!


i was under the impression that decisions are released on fridays.
so being that this is the last week, is it possible to get decisions on a M,T,W,Th? friday is a given

I was originally majoring in Sociology so I was accepted for that major but switched to Business Admin after UC applications so I am praying for USC.

The patterns that have been in place for years, even decades, cannot be relied upon this year due to covid in addition to a grinding 7 days of graduation for the classes of 2020-2021 - it really was an all hands on deck situation. The folks I know that work there were doing some really unusual things to pitch in and pull that off, lots of staff was. So donā€™t look at what they did before - days of the week have never really mattered and certainly donā€™t come into play this year. Heck, they released at 8pm a few weeks ago, hadnā€™t seen that happen in the last 10 years!

The only real consistency we saw is they were a week to two week later with releasing information, starting with scholarship notification back in Jan (which came in Feb this year). Most things after that followed being a week to 10 days later than it has been.

Original transfer wave was same thing, almost two weeks later than last year, and thus this next big wave which usually happens between the 15th-21st of May (usually Viterbi and smaller schools who tend to be last) is on pattern like the rest - a week later as well since it has to happen this week. The 27th-ish is then usually the last chunk of SGRs, a few more acceptances and all the rejections.

It appears (and just a guess) that they will consolidate what remains this year, rather than a second wave of good news with rejections following a week later (which they obviously canā€™t do now), we can look for everything to likely be loaded and fired out at once this week. After this, what remains is a sprinkling through the summer of mini-bursts of SGRs finding out they were accepted (or not) running to around just after the July 4th holiday, then it is eerily quiet.


In terms of acceptance, I havenā€™t seen USC change the target transfer class size in years, it always teeters between 1300-1400. They tend to get 8800 to as many as 9600 applications - the number of applications hasnā€™t mattered as they consistently accept about 2300 (or a 24% acceptance rate for transfers); with a 60%+ yield, they end up with around 1400 enrolling pretty consistently.

Since you have 2020 and 2021 kids returning to campus and a jubilent "post-covid"return to regular school this fall, we donā€™t know if that will create pressure on the transfer class sizeā€¦It may just affect housing more than actually enrollment numbers would be my guess.

If you are a transfer who has been accepted or will be soon, you should be looking at outside housing soon - get familiar with area and rates. Even if you were able to apply, it is unlikely there will be housing available for transfers, or very little (which is typical anyway). There is a lot of options and I can recommend one of the property mgmt groups or properties if you like. (Some are real stinkers, others ok.)