2021-2022 USC Transfer

What are good transfer housing options for junior transfers in which theres a pretty good sense of community

Here’s some general housing info for all.

Note that most rentals are 12 months unless you pay a monthy premium to just pay for 9. Try to stay within the Jefferson-Vermont-Adams-Figueroa Square of campus. (Check a map, easy to see the recommended boundary.) Some live on the other side of Vermont or Adams, just don’t go too deep on the other side.

For housing and apartment rentals around campus, I have had good experience working with First Choice Housing - they are property managers of many privately owned off campus houses and apartment complexes. I have had good luck with them, I also worked with Stuho a few years and it was a nightmare.

Not guaranteeing it will be all rainbows and butterflies, as a lot of the housing around USC can be pretty skanky. You can go to their online site to start comparing properties and rates and location.

Below are the giant complexes, the benefit is you can rent by the bed like you do with a dorm rather than have to manage the rent between room mates. They are convenient with amentities, and are not cheap, but are expensive (depending on your persective) because of this. I had one at Gateway a couple years and it was easy. Prior to that reviews had been shaky and it had a weird repuation out there, but we followed our gut cause it was so close to campus, with a fitness center and reliable mail service (ha you will see what I mean) and it ended up being golden. Just remember only people with complaints usually take the time to review, happy people don’t.


West 27th Place

Icon Plaza


I didn’t include the Lorenzo above. It’s very shi-shi, but just far from campus and not in a walk around area. It is good for those that have a car and have a good group of friends established to live with, or just want to live in a fancy place with lots of amenities and have the bucks to do so.

Question: What is the “withdrawal button” that you guys are talking about? My dd’s only says “click here” if you wish to withdraw, I’m a bit confused.

Mines the same

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Yours says “click here” also?

That is the withdraw button people are talking about, the if you no longer wish to pursue admission to USC click here to withdraw your application

Oh ok so there’s no actual button or box? Thank you for clarifying

Correct, apparently that sentence goes away if you’re about to receive a decision

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Daughter (non-legacy) applied as freshman (aerospace engineering major) this year but was offered Viterbi Pathway Program for next year. We have appointment with USC advisor this week.

I understand it is like TTP but for engineering (Viterbi) with no guarantee of admission next year.

Is anybody here from last year’s Viterbi Pathways Program?

When did she receive that offer?

That would have been with freshman decisions.

@loading1 Did she commit to another 4 year already or doing CC?

She received the offer when freshman decisions came out end of March. She has committed to 4 year SJSU (aerospace engineering major) and waiting on UCSD waitlist.

This. I work there and everyone has been super busy the past few weeks, even leading up to the ceremonies.

Agree, I know several people that work in various offices and we were there all this past week, so saw all the work first hand, it was awesome. Been posting about the impact of this for a few weeks
but older posts get buried pretty quickly!

Off topic, but I will say that the registrar’s office needs to quit using covid as an excuse for not doing their job and get back in the office - I know several students with outstanding issues that can’t get them resolved because of their lack of response and ineptitude (their issues started before covid and have been ongoing). Hopefully that office gets straightened out sooner than later. They have always been the weak link of USC admin and support.


It’s been tricky with navigating the evolving local, county, state, federal restrictions. At least the perimeter barricades have been lifted and now restrictions if people are vaccinated are easing more quickly for the TrojanCheck process. Should foster more people returning.

I have Emory’s commitment deadline on the 1st. If i dont get decision and financial aid package timely i am gonna have a problem


Hey guys! After months and months of stressing and feeling anxious, we are finally here. It is finally decision week. I just wanted to wish everyone the best, I also wanted to remind everybody that the school you get into does not define you we are all great! Good luck all, and fight on!! :v:t5: :heart: