2021-2022 USC Transfer

I hope this week goes by fast!


This is THE week now! We’ve all worked so hard for this and no matter what happens we are all going to achieve incredible things in our future so let’s believe in ourselves and hope for the best!


good luck everyone let’s pray for a fast week. whatever happens, friday night is gonna be a celebration for sure


I hope they come out tomorrow
i can’t wait anymore


Me too. I’m already behind on planning for the fall at my current university so I need to know ASAP. Fingers crossed we get some results tomorrow.


Good luck homies!


Lmao we waited like four months straight since the deadline was Feb 1


Do you guys think bad high school grades matter for junior transfer students? like do they make a student seem less competitive?

I don’t think it’s bad. Especially you have a competitive GPA at your current school. If you had bad grades in HS, and a great GPA at your current school, you’re obviously going to show an upward trend in your academics, which USC favors upward trends.

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ahh thank you for the reassurance dude! i’ve been so worried about having to had sent my HS grades


praying for you all <3


I don’t think they’d play much of a role if you’re going to be a junior. If you’re less than 30 units, yeah, they might factor into things a little. If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t have any HS coursework to report. I was so embarrassed. I went to my HS to get my transcripts and picked up two sealed copies. I opened one and was surprised to see it was entirely blank. I guess I was only there for about 2 months, so I shouldn’t have really expected any grades when I didn’t make it to finals. Still, I thought my attempted coursework would be on there.


Cannot wait to find out this week. I am the most impatient person ever hahaha. Random question but do any of you guys have W’s? I have one and I just feel like it would cost me admission

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Yeah i was wondering the same I have one W but I retook the class and got an A but I’m still really worried

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Same I retook it but apparently it makes you less competitive so I’m wondering if anyone with a W has ever gotten in

I have four and I got them “excused” due to me gaining progress renewal (not the same as academic renewal) and I’m not too worried about it. I went from a 3.5 to a 3.87 with all A’s and they heavily admire upward trends from applicants. Withdrawals are not dealbreakers (admissions knows this), as long as you have or had an opportunity to explain why they happened (I had family issues and was still trying to figure out my major at the time). One isn’t going to kill you, but if you got a W from a preq class that is required for your major, then that’s an issue that you NEED to explain.

Sorry for such a condensed paragraph but I didn’t want to make multiple comments.


Thank you for sharing! it wasn’t a prerequisite! It’s was a intro to chem class (fall 2019). I retook another chem class that is higher level- gen chem, bio chem, ochem combination. So I hope that is over looked. I explained how I have huge responsibility in raising my siblings in my essays but I never got to explain a health issues that I have that was the reason for the W

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Also congratulations on your gpa boost!!! You must have worked really hard!

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You’re welcome! Explaining yourself is the best way to go, and if they see that within your application, it doesn’t automatically mean that you’ll get rejected. The four W’s I have don’t currently pertain to my major now (I switched from business admin to BFA design) which is why I’m not spending time thinking about it.

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Thank you! I really can see myself going here and hard work, works! It wasn’t easy but I don’t settle for anything less, and no one else here should either. We’re all in the same boat waiting here, but it the end it will pay off for everyone and I wish you and everyone in this forum (active or not) the best of luck to get into USC. We all deserve it.