2021-2022 USC Transfer

:raising_hand_man:t5: i am

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I expected some decisions today, and sounds like just Dormsife and Marshall so far today?

Viterbi is always last. SCA is late as well. Annenberg falls between them (when it was waves).


i am waiting too

im waiting for Marshall

I got it!!! :metal::metal::metal: fight on


Congrats to everyone that got accepted!


I second that!

when did you get your decision???

what school?

what about roski? :’))

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There’s someone in the discord that applied. BFA junior design major like me

rlly?? who?

so was it just one wave today? or are they rolling out

So if you’ve applied to Dornsife and don’t get in today, is that most likely a rejection coming?

school/major and gpa

some said they got their decisions at 1-2 pm

pacific time? thats interesting

and did you get an email

what school

Someone named deep toot in the Roski channel

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