2021-2022 USC Transfer

I’m still really stressed about my sgr disappearing yesterday. I hope we all get some good news today!!! :))

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hi! i got accepted on monday for human biology (junior) and received the transfer merit scholarship!


Congrats I think most people who were accepted Monday were Scholarship winners. What major???

human biology at dornslife

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Congratulations! :tada:

That’s awesome. Congratulations!

does anyone know how decisions work if you get in for your second choice major? would you just get your decision once decisions for that school come out or would it come out with your first choice school?

I just went through my articulation agreement and I feel like i’m gonna get rejected rip.
could someone shed some light on as to how this articulation agreement works:

From my understanding we take the required number of courses for each category right?

look for your CC’s own articulation agreement…dont go off that bc it will confuse you


that looks like the general one for everyone to look at. My schools articulation agreement is more detailed and it gives 5-8 courses that would satisfy each category. For example E says it would be satified with “chem 110” but on my schools articulation it would say “chem 2A” and a whole list of chem classes

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that is the link to look for your schools articulation agreement

Good morning! I gonna be honest i have a feeling it’s tomorrow

I just submitted my spring grades after I got a spring grade request about a couple of weeks ago. Did anyone else spring grade request disappear after submitting the spring grades?

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Hey guys I’ve been lurking on here since day 1 lol! I got an SGR yesterday around 5PM and I’m really excited about it! I thought I was going to get rejected since it’s so late in the game


congrats! what’s your major?

Thank you! Political Science

Anybody else feeling like today is the day?!


I think today’s the day! Hoping for acceptances! We’ve waited so long for this. Our hard work won’t go to waste.


i really hope so!


good luck everyone! y’all deserve this!!!