2021-2022 USC Transfer


do y’all know if they take dual credit for the writing req?

Man I’m worried Im taking managerial accounting rn by I got an A in financial accounting

I think you’ll be good. I saw that you have a good GPA!

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Thanks bro good luck to both of us!


I have UCI as a backup for business right now



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Also I don’t know if you knew this but UCSD allows you to change your major if you wanted to. I applied as ECON but I can change it to international business

Yeah! I saw that they have a new business economics major as well.

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I currently go to UCSB and I honestly don’t know if it would be the best for Econ bc they don’t have a business school or anything. it might be hard for networking but idk too much as im a stem major

I think UCI has a really good business program. UCSD has a great name but networking isn’t great there for us business majors


Wow man 22 units! I’m taking 17 an I’m ded

I think it should look good. You and I both have a lot of credits already so I think USC should look at us favorably :slight_smile:

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I hope so good luck chief!

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im only taking 14… rip

As long as it’s over 12. I don’t think it really matters


Any of you Marshall applicants waitlisted for UCLA bus Econ by chance?