2021-2022 USC Transfer

When will decision come out? TMR?

Thatā€™s the million dollar question. Hoping today and if not, tomorrow. But we have all said that before, and before that, and before thatā€¦


if I submitted spring grades last night is there a chance Iā€™ll hear anything today?

probably unlikely unfortunately

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haha thanks
whatever now
I will know eventually

Please God help me get Accepted into the University Of Southern California. :pray:t3::white_heart::nazar_amulet: Blessings everyone. Stay positive! The wait is almost over! :sneezing_face::heart::yellow_heart::sparkles:


Yes, feeling it, and if notā€¦tomorrow. :wink:

my spring grade request is back on the checklist. Must be just a glitch



my sgr button disappeared on the portal. anyone else? im non ttp and non legacy. sophomore transfer to viterbi. 3.87

Good vibes from me to all of you.


3 hoursā€¦ please USC :partying_face::v:

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I really hope USC releases a big wave TODAY! PLEASE!


hopefully you are telling the truth. im non ttp/non legacy and it disappeared for me too

Hopefully that is the case. Good luck to the both of us :slight_smile:

Ahh every sophomore transfer talking about their SGRs, then thereā€™s me who never got one!! Iā€™m so nervous :frowning_face:

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I never got one either but I think itā€™s because we fulfilled all our major transfer requirements. I received one last year but that was only because I didnā€™t complete Calc 1 yet. I also have enough units (60+).

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I am a first-year who did not receive one either

is that a good thing?