2021-2022 USC Transfer

I have never received one either and I am taking a one Major pre-req (ECON class) and two classes for GE. So I don’t know either but I also know acceptances are made without them.


You’ll probably receive it by May 31st or get your decision then. I know some people who only transferred after 1 year; just depends I guess.

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Hmm, well I certainly understand that; however, I am at 38 units currently, and I’m kind of unsure if I completed all of my major transfer requirements. I might’ve, I mean, I’m majoring in poli sci. There’s not much to it! Hahaha

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Fingers crossed!!


I am very worried because i am taking Calc I for junior Marshall and didnt receive SGR

I’m sure it’ll come soon. They’re just late with everything this year!

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hey y’all!


Might I remind members of the forum rules: “Our forum is expected to be a friendly and welcoming place.”
https://www.collegeconfidential.com/policies/rules 1

Let’s support each other instead of throwing shade. This time of year is stressful enough as it is.

Let me also say that the system locks threads that have generated excessive flags and this thread is dangerously close. Don’t mess it up for other applicants. I’m putting the thread in slow mode for a couple of hours.


remember: “by may 31st you will receive a decision or a SGR” so dont worry too much. you’ll do great :)) :yellow_heart: :heart:

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Let’s hope we are not in slow mode - whatever that means- for acceptances at 5:15pm. :frowning:


Honestly, without this thread, I’d probably be going crazy refreshing my page :sweat_smile: :joy:. I mostly lurk though – but I feel like I know everyone at this point lol.


Another hour or so… we will find out if today is the day. GL everyone :heart: :v:t4: :crossed_fingers:t4:


Good luck to you!!!

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Ngl i really feel today is the big day but i dont feel good about my own decision. I really really wanna attend usc.

P.S i know we brought this on our selves but just a request to the moderator to reduce the time of slow mode as we may be approaching decisions. Thankyou @skieurope


time to feel sick for the next hour

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You got A in more difficult one.

USC posted this maybe they are preparing to release :eyes:


Omg I just saw that! Praying we all get in!!! :pleading_face::crossed_fingers:t3::heart::yellow_heart::sparkles:


As you said, the users on this thread brought it on themselves, so no, I will not reduce the time. If USC releases decisions before slow mode expires, I will lift.

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